加工定制:是 | 安裝方式:散裝鍋爐 | 品牌:錫能 |
型號:自然循環單鍋筒水管鍋爐 | 燃燒方式:層燃爐 | 循環方式:自然循環鍋爐 |
出口壓力:高壓 | 鍋爐用途:工業鍋爐 | 燃料耗量:煙煤、貧煤、無煙煤l |
適用范圍:適用行業 | 結構形式:臥式 |
產品說明Introduction: 該系列鍋爐為自然循環單鍋筒水管鍋爐,TT型佈置。爐膛為膜式水冷壁懸吊封閉結構,采用水冷風室和水冷佈風板,床下點火。高溫絕熱蝸殼型旋風筒佈置在爐膛出口,采用支撐結構,分離效率高(≥99%)。過熱器、省煤器、空氣預熱器佈置在尾部豎井。 鍋爐設計采用成熟技術,具有防磨性能好、煤種適應性廣、脫硫效率高等特點;能在30-100%負荷下穩定運行。 |
It is the Ⅱ-arrangement free-circulation,single-cylinder,water-tube. Hearth is the membrane water-screen suspension enclosure. Water-cooled air chamber and water-cooled air distribution panel are used.Method of ignition:bed underneath.High-temperature insulation spiral-type cyclone cylinder is at the outlet of hearth,fitted with the support mechanism.Separation efficiency is extremely high(Circulating Fluidized Boiler
Introduction (≥99%).Superheater,coal economizer and air pre-heater are in the standing well at the rail.
Boiler is designed with proven technology that boasts god corrsion resistance,wide range of applicable coals,high desulfurization efficiency and other characteristics and end ensures the stable operation under 30% load to full load.
Evaporation capacity:10-130t/h,pressure:1.25-9.8Mpa,steam temperature:450-540℃
