品牌:天盾 | 型號:TD-SW700 | 材質:金屬 |
截麵形狀:方形 | 性質:耐高溫,耐高壓,耐腐蝕,耐磨損 | 作用:軸用密封 |
是否進口:否 | 適用范圍:汽車,門窗,電器,軸承,泵 | 厚度:3.2,4.5(mm) |
使用溫度:750(℃) | 使用壓力:15(MPa) | 是否標準件:標準件 |
樣品或現貨:現貨 |
TD-SW700 Spiral-Wound gasket
TD-SW700Spiral-Wound gasket is formed of V-shaped metallic stripe and soft non-metallic filler by means of piled, spiral wound and connected its end and beginning by dot welded. Depend on its excellent compression resilience, it is suitable for sealing spots where the alteration of temperature and pressure are frequent. It can be used as the static sealing element of pipe, valve, pump, thermal exchange, condensing tower, plain hole and man hole of flange, etc. It has been widely applied in the fields of petrochemical, mechanical manufactory, power station, metallurgy, shipbuilding, medical and pharmaceutical nuclear power station and navigation, etc.
產品剖麵 Profile | 產品名稱 Products | 代號 Style | 適用 Flange | 表示示例 For example |
| 基本型金屬纏繞墊 Basic type SWG | TD-SW700 | 榫槽麵 Tongue and Groove | 304/PTFE |
| 帶內環金屬纏繞墊 SWG with inner ring | TD-SW700 IR | 凹凸麵 Male and Female | 304 304/FG |
| 帶外環金屬纏繞墊 WG with outer ring | TD-SW700OR | 突麵 Raise face Flat face | 304/ASB CS |
| 帶內外環金屬纏繞墊 SWG with inner & outer rings | TD-SW700IOR | 304 304/FG CS | |
| 換熱器用金屬纏繞墊 SWG for heat exchanger | TD-SW700 H | 換熱器 Heat exchanger |
| 異型金屬纏繞墊 Special shape SWG | TD-SW700 S | 異形 Special |
鋼帶及內外環材質 Hoop Inner & outer ring material | 填充料 Filler material | 通用厚度mm Normal thickness | ||||
名稱 Products | 代號 Style | 名稱 Products | 代號 Style | 適用溫度℃ @ | V形墊/環 V gasket/ring | W形墊/環 W gasket/ring |
碳鋼Carbon steel | CS | 石棉ASB | ASB | 500 | 3.2/2.0
4.5/3.0 | 4.8/3.0 5.5/4.0 7.5/5.0 |
304(L),316(L) | 304(L),316(L) | 石墨graphite | FG | 650 | ||
蒙乃爾Monel, | Mon | 四氟PTFE | PTFE | 250 | ||
鎳Ni,鈦TI | Ni,Ti | 雲母MICA | MICA | 950 | ||
因科鎳INC | INC | 陶瓷CER | CER | 1000 | ||
哈氏HAST,鋯ZIRC | HAST,ZIRC | 非石棉NAF | NAF | 300 |
