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Company Brief Introduction
馬鞍山市蜂園蜜蜂養殖科技有限責任公司座落於安徽省馬鞍山市青山風景區內的園藝生態科技園,近臨唐代詩仙李白墓園數公裡,周圍環境優美 景色秀麗。與南京相鄰60公裡 ,距南京祿口國際機場30公裡,交通便利。
Bee garden Maanshan of science and technology Co. Ltd is located in Maanshan city AnHui province. It is in the science and technology garden which located in Qingshan beauty spot. It is about several kilometers near the city of the dead in which buried LiBai. (LiBai is a very famous poet who lived in Tang Dynasty) Ambience is very beautiful and they are sixty kilometers near Nanjing city. There are thirty kilometers near Lukou international airdrome and it is very advantage.
The science and technology thrived the company is our long-term development course. We strive to development the new technology and products. Since the company come into existence we pay attention to apply the new technology and equipment to develop the bee venom products. We also choose the excellent scientists and technicians take part in the development of the products.
精制蜂毒;純蜂毒粉;蜂毒液;蜂毒凍乾粉;食用配方蜂毒;蜂療用蜂毒;取毒器 | 原料藥 其他生物制品 動物原藥材 制藥輔料 植物提取物 植物原藥材 | ||
生產加工 | 是 | ||
11 - 50 人 | 5 - 10 人 | ||
1000 平方米 | 全國 港澳臺地區 日本 北美 南美 西歐 東歐 東亞 東南亞 中東 非洲 大洋洲 全球 | ||
制藥,科研,實驗,蜂療。 | 3000 克 | ||
人民幣 301 萬元/年 - 500 萬元/年 | 人民幣 301 萬元 - 500 萬元 | ||
空中農業 | 內部 | ||
人民幣 60 萬 | 2011 年 | ||
中國 安徽 馬鞍山 | 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股) | ||
周傳鵬 | 中國農業銀行當縣支行營業部 | ||
720101040012655 | 已通過認證 | ||
0 項 | 0 條 | ||
0 個 | http://beevenom.cn.alibaba.com |
