加工定制:是 | 品牌:SK | 型號:羅桿空壓機壓力開關 |
類型:機械壓力開關 | 額定電壓:125/220(V) | 額定電流:5~30(A) |
機械壽命:10(萬次) | 最大工作壓力:15(Pa) | 產品認證:CE、ETL、UL、RHOS |
on(psi) | OFF(psi) |
40 | 60 |
70 | 100 |
75 | 100 |
80 | 110 |
85 | 110 |
70 | 110 |
75 | 110 |
90 | 125 |
95 | 125 |
105 | 135 |
110 | 135 |
110 | 145 |
115 | 145 |
120 | 150 |
125 | 150 |
120 | 155 |
125 | 155 |
130 | 160 |
170 | 200 |
電壓(V) | 電流(A) | 電流(A) |
110/220 | 5~30 | 5~30 |
110/220 | 5~30 | 5~30 |
110/220 | 5~30 | 5~30 |
ng>SK Automatic Control System Instructionng>
ng>SK is a system of controlling the value of pressure of medium fairl and composedng>
ng>0f the pressure control switch and the discharge check valve It has the properties of small sizeng>ng>,ng>ng>high precision and low weight andng>ng>,ng>ng>certaintyng>ng>,ng>ng>isng>
ng>shockprooL moisture—proof and explosion—proofng>
ng>PURPOSEng>ng>:ng>ng>SK is primarily used for the micro air compressor under 1 cubicng>
ng>meter and keeps the pressure in the air compressor tank 1n the desired rangeng>
ng>The discharge check valve purges the air in the inlet tube automaticallv as soonng>
ng>as the air compressor stopsng>ng>,ng>ng>to make the electric nlotor restart easily from heavyng>
ng>PRINCIPLEng>ng>:ng>ng>The SK is fixed on the air tank and the pressure in the tank directlyng>
ng>acts 013 it According to cut—in and cut—OUt limits 0f the tank pressure it turns onng>
ng>or 0ff the electric motor Of the air compressor keeping the pressure in the airng>
ng>compressor tank in the desired range.ng>