加工定制:是 | 類型:單相電能機表 | 品牌:LonTMETER |
型號:DD862 | 基本電流:5(A) | 準確度等級:2.0 |
參比電壓:22O-240(V) | 電流倍率:4 | 顯示方式:記度器 |
頻率:50(Hz) | 最大電流:100(A) | 裝箱數:12 |
規格:1.5(6)A,2.5(10)A,5(20)A,10(40)A,15(60)A,20(80)A,5(30)A,10(60)A | | |
ng>1.Product Brief Indroductionng>
ng>The DD862 type single-phase watt-hour meter is a kind of induction type meter, which is applicable to measure the rate frequency 50hz or 60hz and power loss in electrified wire net. The meter has novel design, rational structure and features of high overload low power loss and long life ect. All technical targets are completely conformed to the stipulated requirement of National Standard GB/T 17215.311-2008 [Class 0.5、1 and 2 AC Active Wattt-hour Meter] and International Standard IEC 60521.ng>
ng>2.Function and Featuresng>
ng>1.Sub-closed electromagnetic core;ng>
ng>2.The die-casting frame is made of alloy aluminum, assure magnetism stable and reliable;ng>
ng>3.Meter bearing has three kinds, may selec dual jewel, magnetic thrust of magnetic float;ng>
ng>4.May selec 5+1 digits or 4+1 digits register;ng>
ng>5.May selec 5 kinds of cases; bakelits, PC ABS plastic, glass and Aluminum.ng>
