
  • 現在位置: 首頁 » 貨源 » 家居用品 » 傘、雨衣 » 庭院傘 »
    商品代碼: 2702973
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    產品類別:庭院傘 品牌:天秀 貨號:2-031
    適用人群:成人 產地:浙江-上虞 箱裝數量:1
    適用送禮場合:廣告促銷,商務饋贈,喬遷,展銷會,公關策劃,節日,其他 加印LOGO:可以 加工定製:是


    上虞市天秀傘業有限公司位於中國傘城 —— 松廈,專業生產沙灘傘,庭院傘和晴雨傘,公司不斷更新生產設備,引進技術人才,重視提高管理水平,擁有廠房麵積 5000 平方米,員工 150 人左右,日產量 5000 把。公司致力於將傘的每個細節處理得盡善盡美,不斷研究,設計和發展具有價格競爭力和高品質的各類傘,出口北美和德國、意大利、荷蘭、西班牙、比利時等歐洲國傢,深受客戶青睞。



           Located in Songxia, China Umbrella City, Shangyu Tianxiu Umbrella Co.,Ltd. specialize in m anufactu-ring beach umbrella, patio umbrella and rain umbrella.
            We constantly renew production equipments, introduce technical personnel and attach great importa-nce in improving the management level. Here every specific part of Tianxiu umbrella is d- iscreetly dealt w-ith for its best. In an area covering 5000 square meters, the whole 150 Tianxiu s- taff research, design and develop high quality umbrella at competitive prices to meet our estee- med customers’ requirements. With a daily production capacity of 5000 pieces, Tianxiu umbrella is exported mainly to North America and Wes-tern European countries such as Germany, Italy, Ne- therlands, Spain, Belgium and well accepted in their markets.
            We keep working hard to provide high quality products and services and make our esteemed custom-ers enjoy beautiful life under Tianxiu umbrella


    聯系電話:13616741075   QQ:1820449527

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i