加工定制:是 | 品牌:興爾隆 | 型號:820 |
工作電壓:220(V) | 壓著出力:900(kgs) | 外形尺寸:300*300*250(mm) |
重量:25(kg) |
興隆機械是一傢專業從事電線加工設備制造的企業.凝聚多年專業制造經驗,最早結合日本及臺灣地區的先進技術,主要以自主設計,批量組裝生產,銷售一條龍服務客戶.公司自成立以來,技術力量雄厚,擁有一批資歷精深的專業技術人員,可隨時為客戶提供全麵的技術支持.A mechanical is a firm engaged in the processing equipment manufacturing enterprises. these years, the first professional experience with japan and taiwan regions of the advanced technology mainly to the assembly and mass production and sale of a customer service. the company since its inception, technicians, a number of insightful qualifications of the professionals, to provide comprehensive technical support.
本公司采用科學的生產和管理方法,嚴把質量關,以優質的產品,準確的交期,合理的價格和完善的售後服務贏得瞭廣大客戶的信賴和支持. 為瞭更好的滿足和服務於客戶,本公司將不斷地投資及開發新產品.歡迎您的光臨.垂洵和洽談.多謝您的支持. The company to adopt a scientific management method, production and quality, good quality products, on-time the, reasonable price and improved after-sale service has won extensive customer's trust and support. in order to better satisfy and serve the customer, we will constantly investments and developing new products. welcome your arrival. hanging洵and negotiation. many thanks for your support.
產品針對一些電子導線、電腦連接器、插頭線、音頻線、排線、端子連接線、鐵弗龍線、隔離線、套管、矽膠、拉鏈、傢具切帶等加工設備,主要產品有:全電腦剝皮裁線機,全自動端子機,超靜音端子機,電腦切管機,氣動脫皮機,芯線脫皮機等. For some products, computer the electronic wire connector or plug and audio and wire connectors鐵弗龍, terminals, and in isolation, and silicon rubber casing, zippers, furniture, equipment, processing with the main products are: the skin cut all the computer terminal line machine, automatic machines, computer terminals and the mute button never mind, and pneumatic脫皮芯線脫皮machine
Quality assurance: sell the product quality within 7 days free at the back of the product quality within 15 days free to change planes
1、13825718359服務熱線:解答顧客對產品及服務有關查詢 13825718359 : customer service hotline to answer the queries products and services
1、所有機器保修一年,終身維護。all the machines we have one-year warranty. maintain.
1、按照國傢“新三包”規定,售出產品7天內質量問題可免費退機,售出產品15天內質量問題可免費換機; in accordance with the "three guarantees" for seven days and sell the product quality problems may be free at the back, product quality within 15 days free to change my flight ;
2、機器換貨後的三包有效期自換貨之日起重新計算,並在發票上註明。Machines for shipment of goods available for three packs from the date of the invoice, and the
1、在保修期內,用戶憑送貨單可獲免費保修待遇;In the warranty period, the user to send orders will receive free by warranty treatment ;
2、對於限定中國大陸區域銷售的機器,用戶在中國大陸區域以外的地區使用,不能享受指定區域內的保修政策。For qualifying china area marketing machine, users in china regional regions, cannot guarantee a specified area policy.
*本產品全部采用進口特殊鋼材精研磨而 成,並經過熱處理工藝加強硬度及剛度,經久耐用. This product is all of the import of special steel in and the treatment process of strengthening the strength and stiffness and durability. |
*可根據不同規格端子尺寸定制加工. According to different specifications terminals size of the custom of processing. |
*體積小,操作簡便; Small volume, operate simply. *橫送使用; Determined to use *采用三點式離合器控制、無故障、安全性能高.A three o'clock in the control and security is high, trouble-free *機體采用高強度鑄鐵,制造結構堅固; A strong body and created a structure; |
