加工定制:是 | 類型:端子壓接機 | 品牌:興爾隆 |
型號:XEL-820 | 別名:端子機 | 用途:端子和電線連接 |
最大壓接力:900(N) | 行程:30(mm) | 外形尺寸:250*300*250(mm) |
重量:25(kg) |
Quality assurance: sell the product quality within 7 days free at the back of the product quality within 15 days free to change planes
1、13825718359服務熱線:解答顧客對產品及服務有關查詢 13825718359 : customer service hotline to answer the queries products and services
1、所有機器保修一年,終身維護。all the machines we have one-year warranty. maintain.
1、按照國傢“新三包”規定,售出產品7天內質量問題可免費退機,售出產品15天內質量問題可免費換機; in accordance with the "three guarantees" for seven days and sell the product quality problems may be free at the back, product quality within 15 days free to change my flight ;
2、機器換貨後的三包有效期自換貨之日起重新計算,並在發票上註明。Machines for shipment of goods available for three packs from the date of the invoice, and the
1、在保修期內,用戶憑送貨單可獲免費保修待遇;In the warranty period, the user to send orders will receive free by warranty treatment ;
2、對於限定中國大陸區域銷售的機器,用戶在中國大陸區域以外的地區使用,不能享受指定區域內的保修政策。For qualifying china area marketing machine, users in china regional regions, cannot guarantee a specified area policy.
品牌 | 興隆 | 型號 | XL-820 |
工作電壓 | 220(V) | 壓著出力 | 900(kgs) |
外形尺寸 | 250*300*250(mm) | 重量 | 25(kg) |
