品牌:上海奔奇 | 型號:ZXE1 | 控制方式:手動 |
焊接原理:交直流兩用 | 頻段:高頻 | 保護氣體類型:非氣體保護 |
用途:焊接 | 負載持續率:35% | 電流:直流 |
額定輸入容量:24KVA | 動力形式:等離子 | 作用對象:金屬 |

(本系列產品已通過國傢強制性CCC認證) |
註: 1、以上價格不含稅,不含運費,廠方代辦托運。 |
2:款到發貨,產品按國傢標準實行三包。 |
3:本公司承諾;凡本公司出產的銅芯焊機,100%銅芯制造,假一賠十。 |
聯系人:徐小姐 |
手機:15958950980 |
地址:武義縣百花山工業區 |
E-mail:[email protected] |

上海奔奇機電設備有限公司 是集研發、制造、銷售於一體,專業生產交流孤焊機的高科技企業,公司有一批資深的專業工程師和高素質的技術研發人員,引進日本先進的生產技術和生產設備精心打造。該系列產品從開發到銷售有一套嚴密的管理體系,主要元器件由世界各知名廠商提供,從而為產品的品質提供瞭有力的保障。 本公司一貫堅持“以質量創名牌,以創新求發展,以規模求效益” 的經營理念,麵對市場的機遇和挑戰,我們“奔奇”人將以飽滿的熱情和誠摯的心去對待機遇,以嶄新的風貌和強勁的發展勢頭去迎接的挑戰。 本公司在全國大部分地區設有產品經銷網絡和完善的售後服務體系,真正做到“顧客第一,用戶至上”的原則,讓商傢稱心,用戶放心,摯誠歡迎有志於焊接事業的有識之士共同加盟上海奔奇的行列,為祖國的焊接事業開辟蔚藍的天空。
Combining scientific research, manufacture, sale and service in one, Ben-qi Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise special in the production of AC arc welder. Our company has a group of senior professional engineers and high-quality R & D personnel and fetch in the advanced production technology and equipments from Japan for insuring that our production always keeps front in together industry. Our company designs a set of strict management system for the series of product from development to sales, and the main components are provided by the world-renowned manufacturers, which provide an effective guarantee for the quality of our products. Our Company has consistently persisted in the business philosophy of "We build band name relying on quality and seek for development relying on innovation and seek for benefit through dimensional production" . In the face of market opportunities and challenges, we "Ben-qi" people will be full of enthusiasm and sincere heart to deal with opportunities, and meet new challenges with our brand-new outJook and strong momentum of development. In order to gratify merchants and assure consumers and fulfill the principle of "Brand first, credit principal, consumer uppermost", our company has a product distribution system and perfect after-sale service system inthe most areas in our country. And also our company is striving to exploit the overseas market. Ben-qi Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. is looking forward to welcome interested persons that are willing to growth with us and deveJopment of welding industry. We deeply believe that with our joint efforts we can open up a new and azure sky for the world welding industry.