品牌:宏興達 | 名稱:白色木拉手 | 型號:601-M白自 |
適用范圍:傢具廠 | 規格:3。0 | 是否提供加工定制:是 |

宏興達木工藝廠專業生產木圓球、木拉手、木圓棒、訂做木制品、木梢、木塞、木榫、傢具配件等產品專加工的個體經營,公司總部設在廣州市沙太路283號天健裝飾城M122鋪,宏興達木工藝廠擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。宏興達木工藝廠的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨宏興達木工藝廠參觀、指導和業務洽談。 宏興達木工藝廠專業生產木圓球、木拉手、木圓棒、訂做木制品、木梢、木塞、木榫、傢具配件等產品.專業加工的個體經營廠傢直銷,工藝品做工優美,質量嚴格把關。交貨準時。接受客戶意見和批評。宏興達木工藝廠擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。宏興達木工藝廠的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨宏興達木工藝廠參觀、指導和業務洽 。大量批發傢具配件,五金拉手.塑料配件.螺絲.木拉手.木梢.等等.歡迎訂購. 公司總部設在廣州市沙太路283號天健裝飾城M122鋪。電話020-83306322傳真020-87060303手機13527753880,聯系人:廖先生。 Hongxing Wood Craft Factory specialized in the production of wooden balls, wooden handle, wooden rods, customized wood products, wood tip, cork, wood carving, furniture, accessories and other products, professional self-processing factory outlets, craft work and beautiful, strict quality checks. on-time delivery.Receiving customer feedback and criticism.Hongxing of wooden craft factory has a complete and scientific quality management system.Hongxing of woodworking plant integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from Hongxing up wooden craft factory visit, guidance and business contact. A large number of wholesale furniture accessories, metal handle, plastic accessories. Screw. Wooden handle. Wood tip. Etc. Welcome to order the company is headquartered in Guangzhou, Sha Tai Road, No. 283 City M122 Tianjian decoration shop. Tel 020-83306322 Fax 020-87060303 Mobile 13527753880, Contact: Mr Liu.