品牌:KENITE | 型號:300×3.2×30×96T | 是否標準件:標準件 |
標準編號:歐標 | 材質:合金 | 用途:木工鋸片 |
是否塗層:非塗層 | 適用機床:推臺鋸,精密裁板機 | 規格:300×3.2×30×96T |
樣品或現貨:樣品 | 是否進口:否 | 加工定制:是 |
外徑(ΦD)MM | 齒寬(b)MM | 厚度(b)MM | 內徑(Φd)MM | 齒數(Z) | 齒形(C) | 用途(U) |
300 | 3.2 | 2.2 | 30 | 96 | 平梯 | 刨花板 中高密度板 實木橫截 |
1、 所配設備應具備安全保護裝置,如:防護罩,斷電剎車,過載保護等。
Applied machine shall be equipped with safety devices, such as protective cover, power-off brake and overload protector.
2、 檢查鋸片有無損壞,齒型是否完整,鋸板是否平整光潔,以及有無其他異常現象,以確保使用安全。
Check if the saw blade is scratched, if the edge is complete and if the blade sheet is flat and clean to ensure the safe status.
3、 確保機器狀態良好,主軸無變形,無徑跳,軸徑公差為h7。保證鋸片回轉方向與機器主軸回轉方向一致。
Ensure the sound condition of the machine including but not limited to no transformed bearing, no track jump and the tolerance is h7. Reversing direction of blade shall be the same with that of main bearing.
4、 法蘭盤內徑與鋸片內徑一致,外徑應不小於鋸片外徑的1/3,並確認其表麵平整光潔,無變
Internal diameter of Flange Plate should be the same with that of the blade. External diameter should be no smaller than 1/3 of external diameter of the small blade. The surface should be flat and clean without transformation and end jump. Avoid too big gap between the blade and the bearing in terms of internal diameter. After installation of Flange Plate, set up the positioning pin and fasten the nut.
5、 工作時,發現聲音和振動異常、切割麵粗糙、或產生異味時,必須立即終止作業,及時檢查,
If any noise, vibration or unsmooth surface or bad smell is detected, please stop the operation immediately and a check should be conducted shortly to avoid any possible accident.