施邁德科技有限公司是一傢專業生產專用機械手臂"的高科技企業。 公司堅持走自主研發創新之路,開發出瞭多種專用型機械手臂。在不斷的經驗積累和技術沉淀過程中,形成瞭產品的自有風格與特色,目前已 獲得多項國傢專利。同時還相信,隻有好品質才能贏得市場,整機配置堅持采用世界一流之零配件,達到最佳的品質效能。基於未來工藝水平的不斷提升與發展,自動化是一個必然的趨勢。可根據客戶需求定制式服務,為客戶開發出最高性價比的自動化設備。公司正積極著手建立相關自動化的外圍配套設備,以期達到自動化系統的集成及特種多功能自動化的范疇。技術的創新與進步, 決定瞭企業的未來與價值。
Shimai De Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional production of special mechanical arm, "the high-tech enterprises. Company stick to the road of independent research and innovation, has developed a variety of specialized mechanical arms. In the continuing experience and technology precipitation process, the formationthe product of its own style and characteristics, has gained many national patents. but also believe that only good quality win the market, the whole configuration of the parts to stick with a world-class, to achieve the best quality performance. based on the future level of technologycontinuous improvement and development, automation is an inevitable trend. according to customer demand customized services for customers to develop the highest cost-effective automation equipment. the company is actively working to establish the relevant automated peripheral equipment to achieve the automation system integration andspecial multi-functional areas of automation. technological innovation and progress, determine the future of the company and value.
Medium-sized servo traverse series mainly used in the 50-500 tons of various types of horizontal molding machine.The use of high performance AC axis drive servo motor, with ultra-fast time of 0.48 seconds out, the whole cycle time of 4.8 seconds or less, high reproducibility and accuracy of ∮ 0.15mm, program has to teach sex, action can be based on demandflexibility in setting action, remove the features with high performance.Used in the molding cycle of the product out the short application, or applied to more complex automation applications.There SMD-600/SMD-700/SMD-800/SMD-900/SMD-1000/SMD-1100 models, arm type with a single cut and double cut type, and can increase the jib for the three-plate mold applicationsvertical stroke in the 600 ~ 1100mm.Super fast out substantially improve production efficiency.
If demand please contact us.Service call 400-826-1009
