江智外送箱主要是采用新興碳纖玻璃鋼復合材料以及食品用環保內貼保護膜等材料制造,具有保溫 保味 環保 衛生耐震 高強度 重量輕 可多次翻新使用 同時具有形象實力標識展示等功能,更是漳顯實力拉開與同行競爭的經濟型耀眼名片. 現已成為中國外送第一品牌,國際知名品牌,深圳創新型產品。
Jiangzhi Delivery box is used mainly in emerging fiber glass material, with thermal insulation, keep flavor, environmental, health , high strength and light weight for multiple renovation of the use .Both can showing the strength, features in the competition. Jiangzhi has become the first brand in China's delivery product, the internationally renowned brands, innovative products in Shenzhen.
目前所開發的江智保味類21款系列外送箱主要用於餐飲食品行業外送批薩,快餐,奶茶,涼茶,水果,冷飲,蛋糕,砂鍋粥,燕窩,啤酒,牛奶等,不僅適應於幾個人的送餐,而且用於公司學校等單位集體送餐 ,國外星級酒店大型宴會送餐等;已開發的物流類2款郵政快遞收發箱主要用於周邊區域短距離小物件收發便利低成本輸送(日本郵政部門已采用)的儲運箱等。還有開發的1款用在自行車(含電動)/摩托車(含電動)上用的流動廣告宣傳箱等。
Currently our company has developed 16 Series delivery boxes mainly to delivery pizza, fast food, milk tea, herbal tea, fruit and cold drinks, cakes, etc; And developed 2 boxes use to Express Logistics is mainly used for sending and receiving package surrounding areas to facilitate the short-range transceivers to low cost. Also has one model used for the a bicycle (including electric) / Motorcycles (including electric) on the flow of used boxes and other advertising.
為更好更便利地更快捷地為全球客戶提供外送箱產業最好的功能與服務,我司首傢制定外送箱產品全球第一部標準即Q/JZ 18·D01-2008 《江智JZERA外送箱通用技術條件》,從2009年2月首傢開始實施《江智外送箱綜合服務實施細則 》;從2010年2月改版《外送箱》書刊雜志為全球首傢出版持續每月發行〈外送箱〉電子雜志並免費發送;從2011年起開通全國400免費電話400-0755-698,並贈送通用固定螺釘螺母等標準件等。
我江智公司開發的外送箱有車配(摩托車 電動車 自行車等)外送箱,手提便攜外送箱,背式外送箱以及汽車配套專用大型外送箱。其中車配外送箱同時免費提供固定支架,若客戶用車(如SCOOTER後貨架不適應時),可開發相匹配的多功能貨架。
Jiangzhi developed the delivery box has the one to fix on the vehicles (electric bicycle, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.), as well as has the portable style and back-style box.The one that can fix on the vehicles we supply the bracket freely. If customer vehicle (such as scooter,when not suited to post-shelf),can be developed to match the shelf.
另外我司所開發的外送箱可根據不同客戶以及具體外送商品的不同特殊要求,可進行箱內更完善的配置,以及表麵不同色澤 加貼形象標識的處理 ,以便在外送時同時進行廣告宣傳展示;同時為客戶方便,我司根據不同規格外送箱設計開發瞭多款內置佈料附加食品用環保貼膜的外送包。
In addition,we developed the delivery box according to the different customers and different goods and special requirements can be refine the box configuration,as well as the logo to the surface of a different color,in order to the customer when delivery their food at the same time publicize and demonstrate.
