深圳深億皮具有限公司成立於二〇〇九年,是一傢專業箱包手袋皮具研發、設計、生產和銷售於一體的公司,總部位於深圳市寶安區,工廠占地面積2600多平方米,各類精良生產設備齊全。公司匯聚瞭行業技術人員和管理精英,並擁有專業研發設計團隊和車間生產員工130多人。公司專業、專註於電子產品相關箱包手袋皮具。產品有:蘋果全系IPAD IPHONE配套包類手袋;遊戲機類:PSP、NDS、WII、XBOX36O、PS3等系列箱包手袋;筆記本電腦平板電腦相關箱包手袋皮具。以及傢居旅行禮品等系列箱包手袋。註冊商標為:SHENYI。公司一貫堅持“質量第一,用戶至上,優質服務,信守合同”的宗旨,憑借著高質量的產品,良好的信譽,優質的服務,產品暢銷全球市場。竭誠與國內外商傢雙贏合作,共同發展,共創輝煌!
Factory eva1uation Remarks
1.Factory eva1uate by third party .
2、可以在線視頻驗廠,我們可以通過聊天軟件:如QQ MSN SKYPE等軟件實時視頻查看工廠。
2.Factory eva1uate by online video , we can use chatting tool to view the factory , such as QQ , MSN , SKYPE
3.Factory eva1uate by taking photos .
OEM Order Remarks
1.OEM Quotation and production : Needing to supply exactly outside and inside pictures and size . Please kindly supply the sample if you want exact quotation .
2.Doing the sample : The leadtime is 7 days , the sample fee is between 300 CNY and 500 CNY .( The sample fee will be charged when we cooperate first , on sample fee will be charged if we have successfully cooperated.)
4、產品包裝:常用包裝:產品套膠袋(PE PO OPP)吸塑彩卡密封包裝,彩盒。
4.Product packing : common packing is PE , PO , OPP , plactic uptake & colored card sealed packing and colored box .
5、成品裝箱:中轉紙箱A=B A=A K=K要印箱嘜須提供嘜頭資料,須告知出口國傢選擇紙箱制作。
5.Product packing : Transferring carton is A=B , A=A , K=K , please kindly tell us shipping mark detail if you want to print the mark , also ,including exporting country and choosing carton manufacture .
6、驗貨:接受公正行驗貨:ITS,BV,TUV RH,TUV SUD,SGS。也接受實時視頻圖文驗貨,當然隨意指定箱號與產品。
6.Inspect products:Receiving to inspect products by equitable party , such as ITS , BV , TUV RH , TUV SUD , SGS ,also , including the inspection products by the video and photos according to the appointed carton nimber and product at random .
7、交易條款:EXW FOB CIF
7.Trade clause : EXW , FOB , CIF
Products needing us to design .
1、 需要告知產品的用途。
1. Please kindly tell us the product usage .
2、 提供要用箱包手袋裝的產品。
2. Please kindly tell us the product packing by bags and cases .
3、 提供產品圖紙。
3. Please kindly tell us the drawing of product .
4、 告知訂購的產品目標價格。
4. Please kindly tell us the target price of ordering the product .
Please firmly trust our profession and good faith , cooperating with us will form a long stratigical and cooperative relationship to get win-win together.
Shenzhen ShenYi Co., Ltd.
