1.Connect the FM transmitter to iPod, the FM frequency will be shown on the screen of ipod | |||||
2.Press "up" or "down" key to adjust frequency at in terval of 0.1MHz.Keep pressing "up" or "down" key for a second to adjust frequency quickly at interval of 1MHz. | |||||
3.Withour controlling the FM transmitter for 3 seconds, it will resume the music menu on the screen of iPod | |||||
4.The FM transmitter will automatically save the latest used frequency | |||||
5.When the FM transmitter is connected to iPod, you can plug the iPod travel charger or car charger into the cocaket of the FM transmitter for charging iPod |
2、帶充電功能,可為ipod等充電; 3、全頻點發射; 4、LCD+背光顯示,高保真立體聲視聽效果; 5、彩盒包裝;配車充
