型號 | 一級1 | 種類 | 棕剛玉 |
規格 | 各種10 | 材質 | 鋁礬土20 |
粒度 | 60(目) | 適用範圍 | 噴砂拋光耐火材料砂輪用 |
棕剛玉以優質鋁礬土為原料,無煙煤,鐵霄,在電弧中經2000度以上高溫熔煉製成,經自磨機粉碎 整形,磁選去鐵,篩分成多種粒度,其質地緻密、硬度高,粒形成球狀,適用於製造陶 瓷、樹脂高固結磨具以及研磨、拋光、噴砂、精密鑄造等,還可用於製造高級耐火材料。
產品粒度按國際標準以及各國標準生產,可按用戶要求粒度進行加工。通用粒度號為 F4~F320,其化學成份視粒度大小而不同。突出的特點是晶體尺寸小耐衝擊,因用自磨機 加工破碎,顆粒多為球狀顆粒,宏發牌棕剛玉具有純度高,質地緻密,堆積密度大,自銳性強,韌性好,磁性物含量特低的特點,用其製成的磨具磨削鋒利,發熱率低,磨削比高,且使用時沾附少;製成的燒結磨具具有燒成後顏色深藍、不起網狀裂紋、無銹斑的特點,適用於製造陶瓷、樹脂高固結磨具以及研磨、拋光等。
(1)對硅片、光學鏡頭 、精密儀器儀表、拋光玻殼、玻璃器皿、陶瓷石料、皮革、 塑料、金屬機件能提高光潔度,(2)可噴砂切割,是製造砂輪、油石、砂布、砂的必須原料;(3)可作為修築高速公路路面、飛機跑道、耐磨橡膠、工業地坪.防滑油漆等尚佳的耐磨材料;(4)可作化工、石油、製藥、水處理過濾的介質和鑽井泥漿加重劑;(5)對電鍍、核污染的防護具有良好的效果。 (6) 是水洗廠牛仔服噴砂車間用砂.水切割行業優質的配砂o
棕剛玉化學成份GB/T2478-1996 | ||
粒度範圍 | 化學成份%(按重量百分比) | |
Al2O3 | TiO2 | |
4#-120# | 94.50-97.00 | 1.50-3.80 |
120#-200# | ≥93.50 | 1.50-3.80 |
200#-320# | ≥92.50 | 1.50-3.80 |
With bauxite, carbon material, iron filings as raw materials, Brown Fused Alumina is restored and obtained through the melting of the brown the brownartificial corundumin the furnace above 2200 ℃, and made of a variety of particle sizes products by purifying, crystallization, sorting, crushing, magnetic separation and screening methods. With its dense texture, high hardness and the formation of spherical particles, it is suitable for the manufacture of ceramics and resin, as well as the high-Bonded Abrasives grinding, polishing, sand blasting, precision casting and so on, also can be used to manufacture high-grade refractory material.
Brown Fused Alumina has high purity, good crystalline liquidity, low coefficient of linear expansion, corrosion-resistant and other characteristics. Dozens of refractory manufacturers have proved in practice that the product has not detonate, non-powder, non-cracking characteristics in the application process.
Particle size is in accordance with international standards and can be processed as requirements. Universal size: No. F4 ~ F320, its chemical composition varies depending on grain size. Its prominent feature is the small crystal size, impact resistance and spherical particles. This product has high purity, dense texture, large bulk density, strong self-sharpening, good toughness, low level magnetic material content and other characteristics