這是美甲專用紫外線凝膠,適應365/370nm波長的紫外線燈,要求最低9瓦特的光療燈固化。初固化時間3-15秒,一般固化時間是120秒。本產品附著力強,硬度、高韌性好,光澤好,顏色有透明、粉透、白色、加白、自然粉色和各種彩色等多種顏色,可按客戶要求生產各種工藝及各種顏色的凝膠。East Nail Factory is in the Yueqing city, it has the beautiful environmentand the convenient traffic. We are expert at producing UV Gel and Gel Curing UV lamp; we know differentcountry’s voltage and normal electricity. And also we are familiar with thecapability and character of all kinds of Gel. So we are very willing to makedifferent quantity Gel for you and supply the help in solving the problem. Nail Polish is an integrative technology in nail beauty. It stands at the topof the tree, of course it will bring the revolutionary change to us . It’s thepower of the market also the power of the technology development. For ourcountry’s nail beauty, we should conform this change and take the leadership.We must enhance the investigation and know the development rule, bring a newphase in nail beauty.
