本廠1000多款式U盤,成本價格合理,實惠,直銷全球,新奇時尚,獨特個性,高科技禮品的佳選,為大眾提供售後服務,大量承接(OEM/ODM)訂單、海內外訂單,並可根據客戶要求"量身訂做",已有8年以上的禮品U盤、外貿U盤加工生產經驗,歡迎各禮品公司、外貿公司等前來洽談, 蕊片隨市場波動價格以當天報價為準。
歡迎咨詢隨身電話:13640965177咨詢QQ:891669915 1:採用USB2.0接口,支持熱插拔,即插即用,支持帶有USB接口的IBM兼容電腦和筆記本電腦、Mac蘋果電腦 2:無需外接電源。 3:可以根據需要定制各種不同容量為:8MB--32GB 4:使用多種操作平臺WIN98/SE/ME/2000/XP、VISTA,MACOS8.6&HIGHER、UNIX、LINUX2.4或更新版本(WIN98須安裝驅動程序) 5:電子存儲介質。無機械部件,抗震動,抗電磁幹擾。 6:支持軟件加密,雙啟動功能。 7:保存數據安全,長久(10年以上)質保3年,終身保修 8:讀寫速度快:USB:2.0寫入速度:4MB/s讀取速度:12MB/s(與當時的操作的系統有關) 9:可隨身攜帶。性能卓越,精緻外形,彰顯尊貴。小巧、輕便、適合存儲交換 10:工作環境溫度;-40°C ~ 70°C保存溫度:-50°C ~ 80°C 11:配件:(U盤說明書,驅動光盤,吊繩) 12:產品包裝:精品禮盒包裝,送給朋友和親人的最佳選擇(OEM訂單根據客人要求定制) 13:可以根據客人要求,定制各種不同功能U盤,作為禮品。 14:可以根據客人的要求植入廣告,制作廣告U盤。 15:接受自由定制,可免費加印企業logo,最佳的廣告電子禮品。 1: The USB2.0 interface, support hot-swappable, plug and play Support USB interface with IBM compatible computers and notebook computers, Mac Apple Computer 2: No external power supply. 3: can be customized according to needs of different capacity: 1MB 2MB 4MB 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB 256MB 512MB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 128GB 4: use a variety of operating platforms WIN98/SE/ME/2000/XP, VISTA, MACOS8.6 & HIGHER, UNIX, LINUX2.4 Or later (WIN98 to install drivers) 5: Electronic storage media. No mechanical components, anti vibration, anti-electromagnetic interference. 6: Support software encryption, double start. 7: Save data security, long-term (10 years) one year warranty, lifetime warranty 8: read and write speed: USB: 2.0 write speed: 3.5MB / s read speed: 7.2MB / s (and then the operation of the system) 9: portable. Performance, fine appearance, highlight distinguished. Small, lightweight, suitable for storage exchange 10: The working environment temperature; -40 ° C ~ 70 ° C Storage Temperature: -50 ° C ~ 80 ° C 11: Accessories: (U disk manual, driver CD, lanyard) 12: Packing: gift boxes and packaging, to give friends and loved ones the best choice (OEM orders according to customers request) 13: Guests can request a variety of different custom features U disk, as a gift. 14: Guests can add value to the requirements of development, such as fingerprint identification, partition encryption, waterproof, scent, etc.