- 中華人民共和國海關進口貨物報關單
- 海關進口關稅、進口增值稅單
- 中華人民共和國出入境檢驗檢疫衛生證書
- 美國產地證運單(Issued by Trans-Orient Express,LLC)
真正 正牌美國健康食品企業Pharmekal Health Products,LLC.生產(企業資質)
- Pharmekal公司執照ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION(State of California Secretary of State)
- Pharmekal商標註冊證TRADEMARK REGISTRATION(FOR DIETARY NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS)(U.S.A.United States Patent and Trademarks Office)
- Pharmekal全球自由銷售證書CERTIFICATE OF FREE SALE(Department & human services ofFDA U.S.A.)
- Pharmekal市場條形碼證書GS1 Company Prefix Certificate(Licensed to: Pharmekal healthproducts)
- GMP證書CERTIFICATE OF GMP(GMP Requirments in NSF/ANSI Standard DIETARYSUPPLEMENTS)(assessed by NSF International)
- 食品生產許可證PROCESSED FOOD REGISTRATION NUMBER 47590(Department of pubulichealth food and drug branch, State of California)

Pharmekal Lycopene Nutrition Capsule (Tomato Extract Soft Capsule)
1、 采用北美優質的番茄,利用高科技方法提純番茄紅素
2、 配合葡萄籽、小麥胚芽油等天然植物精華,抗氧化、抗衰老、作用更全面
1. Hgh quality tomatoes taken from North America, extract pure lycopene in high tech methods
2. The function of anti-oxidant and anti-aging is better if eat with natural plants extracts such as grape seed essence or wheat germ oil and other natural plant essences
Nutrition Knowledge:
Lycopene is one of the 600 carotenes that is widely known .It is anti-oxidant and good for your health. It is discovered from research that more lycopene will improve your immunity.
30mg lycopene daily will enable you to prevent prostatic cancer, digestive tract cancer and urinary bladder cancer. But our body can not creat lycopene itself that’s why the extra supplement is needed.
1、 緩解前列腺肥大及癌變;改善男性不育
2、 預防癌癥發生,減少肺、膀胱、乳腺等組織癌癥的發生;
3、 延緩衰老
Main function of lycopene:
1. Ease prostatauxe and canceration; change male sterility
2. Prevent cancer, decrease the chances of cancer on lung,urinary bladder and galactophore.
3. Anti-aging
1、 中年以上男性,需預防和緩解前列腺肥大及癌變者
2、 皮膚出現衰老癥狀的人群
Recommend for these people:
1. Man of middle-aged or above, people who need to prevent or ease prostatauxe and canceration.
2. People suffering from aging syptoms.
成分含量:番茄紅素 5mg
How to use:
1 capsule daily, taken with meal
Composition: 5mg lycopene
