產品名稱:MOONSE Fibroin蠶絲面膜 原料產地:泰國 國內專櫃價:55元/張 主要成份: 泰國進口蠶絲蛋白精華,海藻粘多糖,膠原蛋白去離子水,玻尿酸,尿囊素、膠原蛋白,甘油,葡甘聚糖,洋甘菊,薰衣草提取物,蘆薈萃取液等。 主要功效: 功效持久的保濕能力,自然抗皺,促進膠原蛋白的分泌,抗UV作用,抗發炎、痘皰能力,保濕嫩膚,美白淡斑,控油收毛孔,活膚駐顏,祛除細紋。快速修護細胞、增生膠原蛋白,能深層保濕補水,瞬間吸收,有效抑制旺盛的油脂分泌,淡化細小皺紋,經常使用,可令肌膚健康更有光澤。 使用方式: 面部清潔後,取出面膜,由於此面膜是3層包裝,中間層是透明的蠶絲面膜,先將有孔珍珠膜揭掉,將中間層的蠶絲面膜直接敷於面部,再將藍色無紡佈揭掉。敷用25分鐘左右即可,並把殘留的精華液輕輕按摩至皮膚吸收,每天使用效果更佳。適合任何肌膚,尤其適合缺水性肌膚。 Product Name: MOONSE Fibroin silk mask Place of Origin: Thailand Domestic counter price: $6 Ingredients: Thailand imported silk protein extract, seaweed mucopolysaccharides, collagen deionized water, hyaluronic acid, allantoin, collagen, glycerin, glucomannan, chamomile, lavender extract, aloe extract and so on. Main effects: Efficacy lasting moisturizing ability, natural anti-wrinkle, promote collagen secretion, anti-UV, anti-inflammatory, pock capacity, moisturizing skin rejuvenation, whitening, oil control pores, Capture Totale, eliminate fine lines. Quick repair cells, proliferation of collagen, to deep moisturizing, instantly absorbed, inhibit oil secretion strong, dilute fine wrinkles, regular use can make the skin more radiant health. Use: After facial cleansing, remove the mask, because this mask is 3 layer of packaging, the middle layer is transparent silk mask, first with a hole torn pearl film, the middle layer silk mask directly over the face, then blue woven yer. With 25 minutes can be deposited, and the residue of the essence gently massage until absorbed through the skin every day with better results. Suitable for all skin types, especially for dry skin.
