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【耳機褒機】 好耳機精心煲開之後聲音更加甜美: 1、使用正常聽音強度三分之一的音量驅動耳機36小時; 2、使用正常聽音強度三分之二的音量驅動耳機12小時; 3、使用正常聽音強度驅動耳機72小時; 4、使用正常聽音強度三分之一的音量驅動耳機24小時; 5、進入正常使用階段。 6、在正常使用的時候音量不易過大在最高音量的3分之2就可以瞭 7、睡覺的時候把耳機拿下來避免把耳機搞壞!
如果您仔細去聽,裝上電池,打開開關,戴上耳機,不接任何播放音源,你會聽到細小的電流聲!這個完全是機身電路正常運行說產生的,這個聲音很細小,仔細去聽你一定能聽的到! 周圍要安靜一點才聽的到哦! 錄音師的降噪主要體現在播放音樂的時候,降低音樂中的低噪,機身所產生的細微聲音是無法抹去的,一般聽音樂的時候不會聽到這個聲音! 所以有些朋友發現這個問題的時候完全是正常情況,不信你可以去蘋果專賣店試聽,比較下,呵呵! 這個道理其實跟你插一個耳機到電腦上試聽,不播放音樂能聽到電流聲的道理一樣,越好的耳機越明顯,因為耳機的靈敏度高,阻抗小,那種垃圾耳機反而聽不到,呵呵! 相信懂耳機的朋友,我不多說都明白這個道理的!
High-Performance Headphones from One of the Biggest Names in Music
"People aren’t hearing all the music. Artists and producers work hard in the studio perfecting their sound. But people can’t really hear it with normal headphones. Most headphones can’t handle the bass, the detail, the dynamics. Bottom line, the music doesn’t move you. With Beats, people are going to hear what the artists hear, and listen to the music the way they should: the way I do."- Dr. DreIt’s All About Sound
Go ahead--take the beats for a spin
Three years of thorough research and development resulted in the most incredible headphone speaker ever built. Beats features highly advanced materials and construction to deliver a new level of audio accuracy and clarity. Combining extra-large speaker drivers and a high-power digital amplifier, Beats delivers an unprecedented combination of super deep bass, smooth undistorted highs, and crystal clear vocals never heard before from headphones.
Less Noise, More Music With Powered Isolation
Today’s digital audio recording technology gives music more detail than ever before. Unfortunately, the details get easily lost in today’s noisy world: on the street, on the bus, on the plane. The best listening experience isn’t just about what you hear, but what you don’t. Monster’s powered isolation technology actively cuts external noise, so you experience all the rich details your favorite artists want you to hear.
Extreme Comfort is Music to Your Ears
With Beats, you feel the music, not the headphones. Spacious earcups give you extra room for a higher level of listening comfort. Plush ear cushions covered with ultra-soft breathable materials keep you cool even when the music’s hot.
Ready for iPhone
Stay connected without missing a beat. Beats comes with an additional Monster iSoniTalk iPhone enable headphone cable with built-in answer button and microphone so you can easily stop rockin’ and start talkin’.
