河北華藝皮毛制品廠設於河北邢臺威縣後郭固開發區占地面積5000多平方米是生產加工、銷售為一體經營模式。主要加工:生羊皮、鞋裡皮、鞋裡、仿貉子毛鞋口 羊毛一體鞋墊、仿毛鞋墊、羊毛球、羊毛護膝、兒童學步靴、真皮汽車把套等一系列皮毛制品也可以給你定做隻要您有樣品我們就能給您出產品。我們的公司道路交通很方便,西臨106國道(362出東行15公裡即到)南臨325省道(邢清道)及G45大廣高速(常屯收費站西行60米北行4公裡即到)憑借此地理優勢,為廣大新老客戶的到來提供瞭方便快捷的發財之路 願我們攜手合作,共謀發展。
Hebei Huayi fur products factory located in Hebei Xingtai Weixian County Guo soliddevelopment zone covers an area of 5000 square meters is the production and processing, sales business model. The main processing: clothing, shoes, Lippi shoes,imitating the raccoon fur wool, wool like whole shoe insole insole, the ball of wool, wool,leather boots, children learn to walk down the car kit and a series of fur products can also be customized for you as long as you have the sample we can give you a product.Our Corporation road traffic is very convenient, West State Road 106 (out of 362 East15 kilometers to the south of highway 325) (Xing Qingdao) and G45 wide high-speed(Chang Tun toll station westbound 60 meters north of 4 kilometers to) by means ofgeographical advantages, for the vast number of new and old customers coming to provide convenient and quick fortune the way we hope to cooperate with you, common development.
