- 產品品牌:風色時尚
- 產品型號:12只裝
特別增加滅菌處理工序 很多人誤認為保險套是在凈化車間生產出來的無菌產品,而實際上保險套并非在無菌環境中生產出,在出廠前也未經過專門的滅菌處理,尤其電子檢測和包裝工序均要由人員用手直接操作!風色時尚保險套和普通保險套不同,采用整裝冷滅菌技術經過專門的滅菌處理,其凈化程度高于國內傳統工藝的保險套產品,從而成功避免了因生產中的人工接觸,環境不良可能造成的產品二次污染威脅,使用更加安全健康。 Many pepole think mistakenly that the condom is asepsis product that is made in acleansed workshop but actually,the condom is not produced in asepsis environment,also,if does not process bacterium extingguishing procedure,especially,it is touched by worker in working proce dure of electron checking and packing. RoseEye condom is different from those common condom it has processed a special bacterium extinguishing procedure wif whole packing bacterlum extinguishing technique and the degree of its cleansing is higher than those of traditional technology in China it has successfully avoided directly touching by worker in production an possibllity of re-stain because of bad environment. it is more safe an health.
1.采用優質天然膠乳制成有儲精囊保險套,經電子檢查安全可靠,為男性首選理想的避孕用具,正確使用能協助預防艾滋病等性疾病傳播。 2.請選用合適規格的保險套,用前必須小心從包裝中取出,防止被甲等硬物損壞并排除頂端儲精囊內的空氣。 3.性交前套在勃起的陰莖上,射精后按住套口連同陰莖同時抽出,防止精液溢出。性交時如不慎脫落,應立即更換另一只保險套。如有疑問或許加入藥物,請咨詢醫生。 4.本品已加入濕型潤滑劑硅油(不含殺精劑),請咨詢醫生或藥劑師,應避免使用石油基潤滑劑如凡士林、嬰兒油、按摩油、黃油等。 5.本品限一次性使用,用后投入垃圾箱或妥善處理。 6.本品需陰涼干燥處保存,避免陽光直射。請在有效期內使用。 7.本產品主要成分為天然乳膠,少數人可能對乳膠有過敏反應,對乳膠有過敏反應的使用者,請于使用前咨詢醫生。生產許可證:津(食)藥監械生產許20050051號注冊證:津食藥監械(準)字2007第2660001號技術標準:GB7544-2004/ISO4074:2002 說過明書圖標 英文說明 1.Condom is made of quality naturallatex with reservoir and is electronically tested.Condom is perfect device for male.ifused properly,condom will help to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV infection and many other sexually transmitted diseases. 2.Please choose the wrapper and avoid damaging it by fingernail or other sharp objects.Squeeze air out of the teat before uing. 3.Put condom on as soon as there is an erection. After ejaculation,hold the condom close to the base of the penis and carefully withdraw.if the condom slipped during the course of lovemaking,change a new one immediately.if you are concerned for whatever reason or need to add medicine,consult your doctor. 4.Condom is added with web lubricant is mixed with flavors.if anadditional lubricant if requied,please consult pharmacists or doctors.Avoid using petroleum-based oil like Vaseline,baby oil,lotions,butteretc. 5.Once use only.Dispose the used condom in the bin or treat properly. 6.Keep it in a cool ad dry place and away from direct sunlight. 7.the raw material of condom is natural latex. Some individuals may experience sensitivity to latex products. if you are allergic to latex prducts. if you are allergic to latex products,please consult your doctor before use.
