
  • 專業生產記事本NDB301筆記本商務記事本
    商品代碼: 1308913
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


    方晨文具2000年浙江成立,位於浙江溫州蒼南方晨工業園,專業生產中高檔筆記本、記事本、萬用手冊便簽本、文具盒、鐵罐、如禮品罐、CD盒、儲錢罐、各種馬口鐵制品。產品以外銷為主, 擁有廠房5000多平方米,員工300多人,方晨文具有限公司擁有雄厚的生產及設計研發能力,產品按客戶要求訂做各種封面廣告.商務型.禮品.贈品。隨著公司的發展和規模的擴大2008年成立廣州公司,目前我們正積極開發國內市場以及華南市場,以期為國內的用戶提供更優質的產品及服務。專為各企業設計打造獨特風格,如企業logo簡介、產品的介紹等形式展示企業形象,傳播企業文化。


    The side early morning stationery in 2000 Zhejiang was established, located at Zhejiang Wenzhou dark green south early morning industry garden, in specialized production upscale notebook, memorandum, multi-purpose handbook, short note this, Taiwan calendar calendar, stationery case, billy, like present pot, CD box, saveing money pot, each kind of tinplate product, product by for sale abroad primarily, has the workshop more than 5000 square meters, the staff more than 300 people, the side early morning stationery Limited company has the abundant production and design research and development ability, the product makes to order each kind of title page advertisement according to the customer request. Commerce. Present. Complimentary gift. In 2008 establishes Guangzhou Corporation along with company's development and the scale expansion, at present we develop the domestic market as well as the South China market positively, provides a higher quality product and the service take the time as the domestic user. Designs the making unique style specially for various enterprises, like enterprise logo synopsis, product form demonstration enterprise images and so on introduction, dissemination enterprise culture.if you hoped that makes the to further our company and the product the understanding, welcome to obtain the contact with us.

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