光伏建築一體化即BIPV(Building Integrated PV,PV即Photovolta-ic)。光伏建築一體化(BIPV)技術是將太陽能發電(光伏)產品集成到建築上的技術。光伏建築一體化(BIPV)不同於光伏系統附著在建築上(BAPV:Building Attached PV)的形式。
(1) 綠色能源。太陽能光伏建築一體化產生的是綠色能源,是應用太陽能發電,不會污染環境。太陽能是最清潔並且是免費的,開發利用過程中不會產生任何生態方面的副作用。它又是一種再生能源,取之不盡,用之不竭。
(2) 不占用土地。光伏陣列一般安裝在閒置的屋頂或外墻上,無需額外占用土地,這對於土地昂貴的城市尤其重要;夏天是用電高峰的季節,也正好是日照量最大、光伏系統發電量最多的時期,對電網可以起到調峰作用。
(3) 太陽能光伏建築一體技術采用並網光伏系統,不需要配備蓄電池,既節省投資,又不受蓄電池荷電狀態的限制,可以充分利用光伏系統所發出的電力。
(4) 起到建築節能作用。光伏陣列吸收太陽能轉換為電能,大大降低瞭室外綜合溫度,減少瞭墻體的熱和室內空調冷負荷,所以也可以起到建築節能的作用。因此,發展太陽能光伏建築一體化,可以“節能減排”。
Solar power series - BIPV
Building integrated photovoltaic is namely BIPV (Building Integrated PV, PV is namely Photovoltaic). The technology of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) integrates solar power generation (PV) products with buildings. Building Integrated PV (BIPV) is different from Building Attached PV (BAPV: Building Attached PV).
Advantages of BIPV
(1) Green energy. Solar BIPV produces green energy and generates electricity by solar power, which won’t pollute the environment. Solar energy is the cleanest and it’s free, which won’t produce any side effect on ecological aspects in the process of development and utilization. It is also a kind of renewable energy which is inexhaustible.
(2) No land occupation. PV array is installed on idle roof or exterior wall generally and needn’t occupy land, which is especially important for expensive urban land; summer is the peak season to use electricity and also the period which has the largest amount of sunlight and electric energy generated by photovoltaic system, so BIPV plays a role in power grid peak shaving.
(3)The technology of solar BIPV adopts grid-connected PV system and doesn’t need to be equipped with battery, which both saves investment and goes beyond the restrictions of the battery in charged state. It can make full use of the power generated by PV system.
(4) Building energy conservation. PV array absorbs solar energy and converts it into electrical energy, which greatly reduces the outdoor temperature, wall heat and the cooling load of room air-conditioners, so it can play a role in building energy conservation. Therefore, the development of solar BIPV can implement“energy conservation and emission reduction”.
