光電參數Photoelectricity Parameter (環境溫度Ambient temperature:25℃ 濕度humidity:RH60%)
項目 Item | 符號Symbol | 測試條件 Test condition | 最小值 Min | 典型值 Type | 最大值 Max | 單位 Unit |
正向電壓 Forward voltage | VF | IF=150mA | 3.0 | -- | 3.4 | V |
反向電流 Reverse current | IR | VR=5V | -- | -- | 10 | μA |
發射功率 Radiation intensity | IV | IF=150mA | 200 | -- | 500 | mw/sr |
主波長 Dominant wavelength | λd | IF=150mA | 5000 | - | 12000 | K |
光譜半寬度 Spectrum line half width | Δλ | IF=150mA | -- |
| -- | nm |
| LM | 35 | 40 | 45 | LM/MCD |
靜電解除極限 ESD Withstand limit | ESD(HBM) | -- | -- | -- | 600 | V |
備註:亮度測試公差±15%、波長測試公差±1nm、正向電壓測試公差±0.05V Remark:The tolerance of intensity:±15%, The tolerance of wave length:±1nm,The tolerance of forwards voltage: ±0.05V. Only reference for above data when testing.
三、極限參數Absolute Maximum Rating (環境溫度Ambient temperature:25℃ 濕度humidity:RH60%)
項 目 Item
| 符號 Symbol | 數值 Value | 單位 Unit | 備註 Remark |
正向電流 Forward Current
| IF | 150 | mA | --- |
正向峰值電流 Peck forward current | IFM | 75 | mA | F=1KHZ,占空比(duty cycle)1/10 |
反向耐壓 Reverse Voltage | VRP | 15 | V | --- |
耗散功率 Power Dissipation | Pm | 50 | mW | --- |
工作環境溫度Operation temperature | Tamb | -25至+80 | ℃ | --- |
貯藏溫度 Storage temperature | Tstg | -35至+85 | ℃ | --- |
焊接溫度 Soldering temperature | Tsol | 260 | ℃ | 波峰焊,離環氧體3mm處≤3S Wave soldering,3mmout of physical body, ≤3S
