建議零售價 | ¥2000.00 | 材質 | 塑料 | 產地 | 中國 |
產品上市時間 | 2014 | 電源方式 | 乾電池 | 品牌 | 齊派 |
型號 | BC-M18 | 貨號 | 電療養生機 | 款式 | 坐式 |
功效 | 女性尿失禁壓力,大便失禁.陰道松弛等 |
BC-M18使運行自動化,任何人都可以做“凱格爾運動”。 你所要做的就是“坐下來打開”,僅此而已。準確地控製肌肉訓練通過皮膚沒有插入有效的“凱格爾運動”,它是醫學的工具,最大限度地與合適的刺激效應模式,加強盆底.因為這樣的必須完全刺激肌肉收縮和放松做凱格爾運動,BC-M18為自動凱格爾運動提供瞭一個最佳的電刺激計劃。
BC-M18 has 7 types of exercise program for each contraction period, it means KE-1000 increases contraction period gradually.
Automatic pause function while operating.
3 safety devices (zero start, auto off, output suspension for desorption)
By accurately controlling the muscle training through skin without insertion for efficient "Kegel Exercise", it works as medical tool that maximize the effect with suitable stimulation pattern that strengthens pelvic floor.
Kegel Exercise strengthens pelvic floor.
Pelvic floor is consisted of coccygeal muscle and levator ani muscle, and spread in disc form.
Because such muscle must be stimulated entirely for contraction and relaxation to do Kegel Exercise, BC-M18 provides a optimal electrical stimulation program for automatic Kegel Exercise as shown in
illustration for contraction and relaxation.
- 1. Power/Pause: Long press means power On/Off, short press means pause.
2. Output selecion button: 7 types of programs per each output signal.
Shiftting button switch.
3. Output controller (Weak): Increases strength of output.
4. Output controller (Strong): Decreases strength of output.
It can restart when paused.
5. Output Display LCD: displays program type.
6. Silicon pad: provides comfortable usage sensation.
7. Adhesion square: metallic part contacting affected area.
8. Case(body): Exterior part of BC-M18
2. Program Selection button
3. Strength Controller (Weak)
4. Strength Controller (Strong)
5. when contracting, LED light lit up. Length of each period can be observed.
1. Power: 3 AA battery
2. Voltage: 4.5V
3. Weight: 1.4 Kgs
4. Size: 41 x 35 x 4.5 Cm (L x W x H)
2, How to Use
1. Insert battriesLoosen a screw of battery box at the back o fmain body, insert batteries and tighten a screw. | |
2. Apply wet tissue on the whole area of electrode.when moisture is not sufficient, there could be an skin irritation due to resistance. |
3. Adhere entire part of exercising spotIt is better if one's optimized spot is found. |
4. Turn on the PowerPress the power button between the legs for over 2 seconds. |
5. IntensityAdjust the intensity by weak and strong button as shown. |
6. Power OffIf the program is done, it will be automatically off after 5 seconds. |
3,What is Kegel Exercise?
Kegel exercises are simple clench-and-release exercises that you can do to make the muscles of your pelvic floor stronger. Your pelvis is the area between your hips that holds your reproductive organs. The pelvic floor is really a series of muscles and tissues that forms a sling, or hammock, at the bottom of your pelvis. This sling holds your organs in place.
A weak pelvic floor may lead to issues such as the inability to control your bowels or bladder.
Pelvic floor exercise, or Kegel exercise (/??1??70??1??74ke??1??70??1??71ɡ??1??70??1??75l/, /??1??70??1??74ki??1??70??1??79ɡ??1??70??1??75l/), consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor, now sometimes colloquially referred to as the "Kegel muscles". Several tools exist to help with these exercises, although various studies debate the relative effectiveness of different tools versus traditional exercises.
Exercises are usually done to reduce urinary incontinence, reduce urinary incontinence after childbirth, and reduce premature ejaculatory occurrences in men, as well as to increase the size and intensity of erections.
They were first described in 1948 by Arnold Kegel.
The aim of Kegel exercises is to improve muscle tone by strengthening the pubococcygeus muscles of the pelvic floor.
Kegel is a popular prescribed exercise for pregnant women to prepare the pelvic floor for physiological stresses of the later stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Kegel exercises are said to be good for treating vaginal prolapse and preventing uterine prolapse[8] in women and for treating prostate pain and swelling resulting from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis in men. Kegel exercises may be beneficial in treating urinary incontinence in both men and women.
Kegel exercises may also increase sexual gratification, allowing women to complete pompoir and aid in reducing premature ejaculation in men. The many actions performed by Kegel muscles include holding in urine and avoiding defecation. Reproducing this type of muscle action can strengthen the Kegel muscles. The action of slowing or stopping the flow of urine may be used as a test of correct pelvic floor exercise technique.
It is now known that the components of levator ani (the pelvic diaphragm), namely pubococcygeus, puborectalis and ileococcygeus, contract and relax as one muscle. Hence, pelvic floor exercises involve the entire levator ani rather than pubococcygeus alone. Pelvic floor exercises may be of benefit in cases of fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse conditions e.g. rectal prolapse.
Pelvic floor muscle training exercises
Pelvic floor muscle training exercises are recommended for:
- Women with urinary stress incontinence
- People who have fecal incontinence
Pelvic floor muscle training exercises can help strengthen the muscles under the uterus, bladder, and bowel (large intestine). They can help both men and women who have problems with urine leakage or bowel control.
A pelvic floor muscle training exercise is like pretending that you have to urinate, and then holding it. You relax and tighten the muscles that control urine flow. It's important to find the right muscles to tighten.
The next time you have to urinate, start to go and then stop. Feel the muscles in your vagina, bladder, or anus get tight and move up. These are the pelvic floor muscles. If you feel them tighten, you've done the exercise right.
If you are still not sure whether you are tightening the right muscles, keep in mind that all of the muscles of the pelvic floor relax and contract at the same time. Because these muscles control the bladder, rectum, and vagina, the following tips may help:
- Women: Insert a finger into your vagina. Tighten the muscles as if you are holding in your urine, then let go. You should feel the muscles tighten and move up and down.
- Men: Insert a finger into your rectum. Tighten the muscles as if you are holding in your urine, then let go. You should feel the muscles tighten and move up and down. These are the same muscles you would tighten if you were trying to prevent yourself from passing gas.
It is very important that you keep the following muscles relaxed while doing pelvic floor muscle training exercises:
- Abdominal
- Buttocks (the deeper, anal sphincter muscle should contract)
- Thigh
A woman can also strengthen these muscles by using a vaginal cone, which is a weighted device that is inserted into the vagina. Then you try to tighten the pelvic floor muscles to hold the device in place.
If you are unsure whether you are doing the pelvic floor muscle training correctly, you can use biofeedback and electrical stimulation to help find the correct muscle group to work.
- Biofeedback is a method of positive reinforcement. Electrodes are placed on the abdomen and along the anal area. Some therapists place a sensor in the vagina in women or anus in men to monitor the contraction of pelvic floor muscles.
- A monitor will display a graph showing which muscles are contracting and which are at rest. The therapist can help find the right muscles for performing pelvic floor muscle training exercises.
1. Begin by emptying your bladder.
2. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles and hold for a count of 10.
3. Relax the muscles completely for a count of 10.
4. Do 10 repititions, 3 to 5 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night).
You can do these exercises at any time and any place. Most people prefer to do the exercises while lying down or sitting in a chair. After 4 - 6 weeks, most people notice some improvement. It may take as long as 3 months to see a major change.
After a couple of weeks, you can also try doing a single pelvic floor contraction at times when you are likely to leak (for example, while getting out of a chair).
A word of caution: Some people feel that they can speed up the progress by increasing the number of repetitions and the frequency of exercises. However, over-exercising can instead cause muscle fatigue and increase urine leakage.
If you feel any discomfort in your abdomen or back while doing these exercises, you are probably doing them wrong. Breathe deeply and relax your body when you are doing these exercises. Make sure you are not tightening your stomach, thigh, buttock, or chest muscles.
When done the right way, pelvic floor muscle exercises have been shown to be very effective at improving urinary continence.
4, Kegel Exercise For women
Vaginal contraction
The importance of vaginal contraction
Vaginal contractions are contractions of the pelvic muscles surrounding the vagina, especially the pubococcygeus muscle.
Vaginal contractions are generally an involuntary muscular response to sexual stimulation, including sexual arousal, and are
commonly most intense during sexual intercourse and culminating in orgasm. Though usually an involuntary response, some women
can control the muscles of the vagina to perform vaginal contractions at will. Vaginal contractions enhance the sexual experience
for both parties during sexual intercourse.
Why consider vaginoplasty?
Vaginoplasty is the surgical procedure which tightens the vaginal muscles, perineum and surrounding tissues. This gives more tone, strength and control to your vaginal muscles, enhancing your sensitivity and sexual experience.
Your vaginal muscles may have lost tone as part of the ageing process, which can cause embarrassment and discomfort. The loss of sensitivity can affect sexual satisfaction for both yourself and your partner.
Many women also consider vaginal tightening after having children. During natural childbirth the vaginal muscles expand to form the birth canal for your baby. After several children, or sometimes after having a large baby or a difficult delivery, your vaginal muscles can be left loose and weak and surrounding tissues stretched and torn. Even after exercise, the condition of your vaginal muscles and pelvic floor may not improve.
If you are concerned about a loss of vaginal muscle tone, vaginal tightening is a safe and effective corrective procedure for women at all stages of life. Many patients tell us that they have much more confidence and enjoy a more fulfilling sex life after the procedure.
*costs for vaginal surgery range from£1,000 -£3,000 for labia reduction (labiaplasty),£2,500 -£4,500 for vaginal
tightening/rejuvenation (vaginoplasty) and£1,700 -£3,000 for a hymen reconstruction (hymenoplasty).
Vaginal muscles and sexual satisfaction;
Many women do Kegel exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. This can help manage or prevent physical problems such as the leakage of urine. Kegel exercises can also help improve women’s sexual health and pleasure by:
Relaxing the vaginal muscles, which allows the vagina to be more open. This is helpful for women who are experiencing pain during sexual intercourse
Increasing sexual arousal
Improving a women’s ability to reach orgasm
Improving blood circulation to the vagina
Increasing vaginal tone and lubrication
How do you identify my pelvic floor muscles?
Imagine you are urinating and contract the muscles you would need to stop the stream of urine. Do not actually start and stop urinating, especially if your bladder is full. This can actually weaken the muscles and lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, which increases your risk for a urinary tract infection.
Tighten the muscles that are used to hold back or prevent you from passing gas. If you are tightening the muscles of your buttocks or abdomen, you are using the wrong muscles.
Try inserting a finger or vaginal dilator inside your vagina and tighten or contract your pelvic floor muscles. You will be able to feel your vagina tighten and your pelvic floor move upward.
Kegel exercises to overcome vaginal relaxation;
Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. You can do Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor muscle training, discreetly just about anytime.
Start by understanding what Kegel exercises can do for you — then follow step-by-step instructions for contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles.
Why Kegel exercises matter
Many factors can weaken your pelvic floor muscles, including pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, aging and being overweight.
You might benefit from doing Kegel exercises if you:
Leak a few drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or coughing
Have a strong, sudden urge to urinate just before losing a large amount of urine (urinary incontinence)
Leak stool (fecal incontinence)
Kegel exercises can be done during pregnancy or after childbirth to try to prevent urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises — along with counseling and sex therapy — might also be helpful for women who have persistent difficulty reaching orgasm. Keep in mind that Kegel exercises are less helpful for women who have severe urine leakage when they sneeze, cough or laugh. Also, Kegel exercises aren't helpful for women who unexpectedly leak small amounts of urine due to a full bladder (overflow incontinence).
You can perform a Kegel Excercise very easily with Smart Kegel.
1. the legs should be slightly apart,
The feet to be placed on the floor, Back to be straight up, let arms comfordable.
Use sofa, chair, toilet seat wherver possbile.
2. If you choose exercise mode (step 1 to 7), you will feel your anal sphincter being pulled upward .
Thus, the muscles around the anus becomes tight and you'll feel it upward.
3. While exercising, don't hold breath or pull the legs, remain clam state wyle contraction occurs.
4. Pelvic floor muscles are not easily enforced for daily life, you may feel stiffness after exercise.
This means pelvic floor exercise is done properly same as you feel sore when you use non-working muscles.
5. The harware is programmed to give you the most appropriate form of pelvic floor exercises and to get the most effective result for the most difficult to reach area.
Just use 5 to 15 minutes per day, and youcan get better and fast result if you use it more than 2 times daily.
Urinary incontinence — the loss of bladder control — is a common and often embarrassing problem. The severity of urinary incontinence ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that's so sudden and strong you don't get to a toilet in time.
If urinary incontinence affects your day-to-day activities, don't hesitate to see your doctor. In most cases, simple lifestyle changes or medical treatment can ease your discomfort or stop urinary incontinence.
Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the release of urine from your bladder. Some people experience occasional, minor leaks — or dribbles — of urine. Others wet their clothes frequently.
Types of urinary incontinence include:
Stress incontinence. This is loss of urine when you exert pressure — stress — on your bladder by coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy. Stress incontinence occurs when the sphincter muscle of the bladder is weakened. In women, physical changes resulting from pregnancy, childbirth and menopause can cause stress incontinence. In men, removal of the prostate gland can lead to stress incontinence.
Urge incontinence. This is a sudden, intense urge to urinate, followed by an involuntary loss of urine. Your bladder muscle contracts and may give you a warning of only a few seconds to a minute to reach a toilet. With urge incontinence, you may need to urinate often, including throughout the night. Urge incontinence may be caused by urinary tract infections, bladder irritants, bowel problems, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, injury or nervous system damage associated with multiple sclerosis. If there's no known cause, urge incontinence is also called overactive bladder.
Overflow incontinence. If you frequently or constantly dribble urine, you may have overflow incontinence, which is an inability to empty your bladder. Sometimes you may feel as if you never completely empty your bladder. When you try to urinate, you may produce only a weak stream of urine. This type of incontinence may occur in people with a damaged bladder, blocked urethra or nerve damage from diabetes, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury. In men, overflow incontinence can also be associated with prostate gland problems.
Mixed incontinence. If you experience symptoms of more than one type of urinary incontinence, such as stress incontinence and urge incontinence, you have mixed incontinence.
Functional incontinence. Many older adults, especially people in nursing homes, experience incontinence simply because a physical or mental impairment keeps them from making it to the toilet in time. For example, a person with severe arthritis may not be able to unbutton his or her pants quickly enough. This is called functional incontinence.
Total incontinence. This term is sometimes used to describe continuous leaking of urine, day and night, or the periodic uncontrollable leaking of large volumes of urine.
Complications of chronic urinary incontinence include:
Skin problems. Urinary incontinence can lead to rashes, skin infections and sores (skin ulcers) from constantly wet skin.
Urinary tract infections. Incontinence increases your risk of repeated urinary tract infections.
Changes in your activities. Urinary incontinence may keep you from participating in normal activities. You may stop exercising, quit attending social gatherings or even stop venturing away from familiar areas wher you know the locations of toilets.
Changes in your work life. Urinary incontinence may negatively affect your work life. Your urge to urinate may cause you to have to get up often during meetings. The problem may disrupt your concentration at work or keep you awake at night, causing fatigue.
Changes in your personal life. Perhaps most distressing is the impact incontinence can have on your personal life. Your family may not understand your behavior or may grow frustrated at your many trips to the toilet. You may avoid sexual intimacy because of embarrassment caused by urine leakage. It's not uncommon to experience anxiety and depression along with incontinence.
Incontinence and Kegel exercises
It is Non-pharmacological / non-surgical method of treating pelvic floor muscle (muscle quality)and it gives the most effective way to relax/contract the pelvic floor muscles because it is not easy to accurately identify and stimulate them at reasonable time.
The relationship between urinary incontinence and pelvic floor
Urinary incontinence is defined as "the complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine" and is a common problem in the female population with prevalence rates varying between 10% and 55% in 15- to 64-year-old women.
The most frequent form of urinary incontinence in women is stress urinary incontinence, defined as "involuntary leakage on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing".
Stress urinary incontinence is a barrier to women's participation in sport and fitness activities and, therefore, it may be a threat to women's health, self-esteem and well-being.
The relationship between urinary incontinence and pelvic floor
Most cases of stress incontinence are due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles are often weakened by childbirth. The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that wrap around the underside of the bladder and back passage (rectum). Stress incontinence is common in women who have had children, particularly if they have had several vaginal deliveries. It is also more common with increasing age, as the muscles become weaker, particularly after the menopause. Stress incontinence is also more common in women who are obese. Stress incontinence can occur in men who have had some treatments for prostate cancer. This includes surgical removal of the prostate (prostatectomy), and radiotherapy.
5, Kegel Exercise for Men
The Kegel exercise is known to be very effective in treating premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
At University of West of England in Bristol.UK, researchers published that the men with erectile dysfunction
showed that the improvement appears to be similar to Viagra with pelvic muscle exercise known as Kegel exercise,
Because Kegel exercise strengthens the muscles of perineumthat helps improving sexual function.
Kegel exercise and the muscle to reach orgasm are the same, so Kegel exercise makes you feel more
powerful and is also effective against woman's loss of sexual desire.
To Older people, Kegel exercise is very effective against fecal, incontinence is well known.
Kegel exercise treates men's premature ejaculation and improves erectility, also it enhances female sexual satisfaction by strengthening woman's sphincter.
Kegel exercise gives men more intense orgasm, prevents premature ejaculation and makes recovery time shorter between orgasm.
It also gives ability to control the sphincter itself, it gives best satisfaction to sexual partner as well as yourself.
The most effective and easiest exercise for sexual improvement anyone can do is aerobic and perineal sphincter exercise.
Doing Kegel exercise for a few days and weeks will give you improved erectility, range, increaseing semen and stamina.
Good urinating means you don't have prostate enlargement problem or urinary disorders and holding urine logner means your sexual period is longer. On the other hand, if you feel that urinating is weaker and anal muscle is loosen, it may indicate pelvic floor is weakening. It means your sexual function is falling, same as weak muscle, no strength in arm and leg.
Male sexual function means simply "blood circulation".
There are 3 cavernosums in male penis that looks like sponge or loofah, and when the brain gives "erectile command" by sexual
stimulation, these cavernosums swell 7 times as usual.
The expansion of the corpora cavernosa is pressed down rimeuro and the blood already circulated in is trapped.
Commonly referred to as energetic power is swollen blood as described abe and feels hard.
People take druc like Viagra in order to get short term erection, but since this kind of drug may cause headache or heart disease,
druc can't be a fundamental treatment.
Premature Ejaculation
1. If you can't enjoy a full sex life because you don't have any control over premature ejaculation.
2. Upon a slight stimulation, repeated orgasm and ejaculation occur even before insertion, right after insertion or while inserting,
3. Giving dis-satisfaction to both parties due to premature ejaculation before insertion or right after.
4. Hard to delay ejaculation.
Always premature ejaculation occurs.
Even a slight stimulation makes me ejaculate.
5. Feels a great burden for sexual partner due to premature ejaculation.
Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction
1 Topical anesthetic creams
Certain topical anesthetic creams are used to treat premature ejaculation.
Although none of these prescription drugs or over-the-counter anesthetic creams are specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration, many doctors prescribe these drugs because no specific remedy is available for premature ejaculation.
Topical anesthetic creams are less harmful to apply and produce quick results.
Topical anesthetic creams containing lidocaine or prilocaine dull the sensation on the penis to help delay ejaculation.
Applied a short time before intercourse, these creams are wiped off when your penis has lost sensation to help delay ejaculation.
Some men report reduced sexual pleasure because of lessened sensitivity when using topical anesthetic creams.
Although the cream is wiped off before intercourse, some studies showed female partners reported that cream also reduced their genital sensitivity and sexual pleasure.
In rare cases, lidocaine or prilocaine can even cause an allergic reaction.
Long-term use of the anesthetic cream might be hazardous to your health.
Constantly numbing the nerve receptors under penile tissues might result in circulation problems eventually leading to weak erection or the inability to maintain a hard erection throughout intercourse.
2. Viagra and other oral medications
Viagra, Levitra or Cialis is often the first oral medication tried for erectile dysfunction. For most men who have trouble keeping an erection firm enough for sex (erectile dysfunction), these medications work well and cause few side effects.
Not all men can safely take erectile dysfunction medications. They can be dangerous if you have certain health problems or you're taking particular medications. Erectile dysfunction medications may not be safe if you have:
Heart problems, including reduced blood flow (aortic stenosis or left ventricular outflow obstruction), heart pain (angina), abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia) or a recent heart attack
High or low blood pressure that isn't controlled
A history of stroke within the last six months
Eye problems, such as retinitis pigmentosa, or if you have a family history of certain eye problems
Severe liver disease, including cirrhosis
Kidney disease that requires dialysis
3. Surgical
Vascular reconstructive surgery is performed to improve the blood supply of the penis in attempts to improve a man's ability to get and maintain an erection. Because the procedure is technically difficult, costly, and not always effective, it is very rarely performed. Unfortunately, the long-term results from vascular reconstructive surgery have been disappointing with even the best of results showing only one out of 20 men improved. However, for younger men with a single damaged blood vessel that occurred as a result of a pelvic or genital injury, the success rate for this treatment is higher (50%-75%).
4. Physiological recovery efforts through Kegel exercises
People think the Kegel exercise is only for woman.
But Kegel exercise gives man a sexual recovery without side effect in very short tiem.
University of West England reports that Strengthening pelvic floor that holds urethra and the anus gives similar effect that Viagra gives,
and is very effective for preventing premature ejaculation because muscles controlling urine is the same one delaying ejaculation.
Strong man begins with Kegel Exercise.
Do you fear the noise of the shower of your wife?
Have you ever intentionally avoided yor wife's signal at bed?
There are men avoiding contact with wives even though they know they can't avoid and have to willingly participate in sexual activity.
With the Smart Kegel, you're not going be afraid of the night.
Viagra and other products temporarily promote blood flows, but Kegel exercise pressures corpora cavernosa,
gives men long term recovery of physiological and sexual functions.
We recommend Smart Kegel to those have similar symptoms;
1. It is hard to maintain erection for a long time, its rigidity after erection.
2. Having problem of blood flowing into penis due to circulation disorder.
3. No self-confidence in sexual activity due to blood circulation disorder, always needed Viagra.
4. Trying to increase sexual ability, to conrol urine.