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    Total courch ab king 騎馬機 室內健腹機
    商品代碼: 11624671
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    建議零售價 ¥800.00 品牌 海斯堡 是否電動
    重量 19.2(kg) 貨號 JL-HR03 產地 浙江杭州
    適用場景 健身美體,健身器材 規格(長*寬*高) 117x80106(cm)

    Total courch ab king 騎馬機 室內健腹機


    We are engaged in offering excellent quality Tiger Ultimate Body Shaping Machine to our valuable clients. It helps you to shape your buns, hips, thighs, shoulders, back, chest, biceps, and triceps using your own body weight as resistance. You will be tightening, toning, and sculpting all in one easy motion using your own body weight as resistance. The Tiger helps you to burn up to 220 calories in just 10 minutes of workout.

    General Features:-
    How does Tiger workout system work?
    The secret of Tiger is the innovative dual-motion technology that combines body shaping resistance workout with aerobic exercise. It combines four different exercises the leg press, squats, rows, and crunches with aerobic exercise to give you an effective calorie burning body toning workout. Varying Hand grip on the Tiger will work out your Biceps, Shoulders and back muscles Chest and Triceps It's smooth gliding motion targets all the major muscle groups as you ride.

    It is fast and easy to use.
    It is designed for adults of all ages.
    It gives you a low impact workout, avoiding stress on the joints.
    It provides full body support.

    Workout Time: Start with few minutes and then increase to 10minutes and later to 20minutes.



    Total courch ab king 騎馬機 室內健腹機_健身椅_健身器材用品_運動、休閒_貨源_批發一路發
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