建議零售價 | ¥24.80 | 品牌 | 陸明 | 材質 | ABS |
貨號 | WT138 | 產地 | 中國 | 適用場景 | 居傢扭腰 |
規格 | 直徑24.5cm*高3cm | 顏色 | 桔色 |
■偷偷告訴您:每天扭扭腰,就能保持好身材喲!現在找來風靡歐美公認最經濟劃算的『月陽簡單運動健康按摩扭腰盤』推薦給各位喜愛運動的帥哥美女們,讓您把健身房輕松 帶回傢。
■采用人體工學設計,能保持運動的舒適性,隻要站上去,腳踏扭腰盤扭動您的腰,就能 使腰部、胸部和腿部得到充分的鍛煉。
■讓您不需出門隻要放一段喜歡的音樂,每天隨著音樂節奏扭一扭,即可暢快淋漓地享受 運動與健美的樂趣,不再有運動不足的煩惱瞭,讓您身心放松保持充沛活力,而且男女 老少皆適宜喔﹗
- secretly tell you: every twist twist, can keep in good shape! Is now popular in Europe and the United States to find the most cost-effective month
Yang simple exercise health massage waist disc "recommend to you favorite sport hotties, allowing you to easily back to the gym
- as long as 10 minutes a day, twist out of health.
- Ergonomic design, can maintain the comfort of movement, just stand up, foot twisting disc twist your waist, can make
Waist, chest and legs get enough exercise.
A total of 372 - disk gibbous particles in the process of twisting motion can repeatedly massage the acupuncture points of the feet.
- easy to do a simple exercise whenever and wherver possible, but do not need the majority of the area.
- so you don't need to go out as long as a love of music, every day with the rhythm of the music twist, you can seamlessly enjoy transport
Dynamic and fitness fun, there is no lack of exercise problems, enable you to relax to maintain the vigor and vitality, and everyone
All appropriate oh!
In the use of examples:
1 to do the work in the office or at home watching television, reading a book, his feet on the twisting disc often massage the soles of the feet, good for health.
The 2 station in twisting wheel, stretched out his arms to cross on the head, twist 5-10 minutes a day, can the body posture.
3 standing in waist turning plate, one arm vertically on the other arm down, twisting around, can exercise abdominal and waist.
The 4 stood down, twisting wheel, body vertical bending arm twisting around, help vital capacity.
- material: ABS.
- size: 24.5cm* diameter 3cm.
- Color: orange.
- weight: 350g.
