品牌 | AMQ-12118 | 材質 | 鋼 | 規格 | 120*60*120cm |
產地 | 浙江金華 |
製造商: 浙江愛米薺工貿有限公司 |
地址 : 浙江省金華武義縣百花山工業區荷花路26號 |
電話 : 0579-87969888 15669621190 袁劉恒 |
網址 : http://www.chinaaimiqi.com |
QQ :914251151 郵箱:[email protected] |
1、三麵豪華扭腰器/Triple Elegant Waist Twister
規格/size 1600*1600*3220mm
功能/Function 活動腰部關節,增強腰側肌群的柔韌性和心肺功能。
Train waist joints and enhance their flexibility and the cardiopulmonary function.
使用方法/Instructions 雙腳平穩站在圓形踏板上,雙手握緊扶手,上身保持不動,腰部以下左右轉動腰下肢體。該器材適合各類人群。
Hold the handrail with both hands and stand on a turn-disc,. Lean upper body forward slightly and twist the lower body clockwise and anti-clockwise.
2、三麵豪華浪板/Triple Elegant Mini-ski
規格/size 1755*1755*3220mm
功能/ Function 活動腰部關節,增強腰側肌群的柔韌性和心肺功能。
Strengthen shoulder, chest and back muscles, enhance cardiovsscuiar function.
使用方法/ Instructions 雙腳站同一踏板上,雙手握緊護杠,腰部用力作鐘擺式運動。該器械適合中、老年人,每部位限1人使用,擺臂靜止狀態方可上下器械。
Place both hands on the handle bars, step on the footboard with both feet, sway your bosy to the left and right.
3、三麵豪華雙杠/Triple Elegant Parallel Rails
規格/ size 2180*2180*3220mm
功能/ Function 增強上肢、肩部、胸部、背部肌群力量。
Enhance the muscle strength of upper limbs, shoulder, chest ,and the back.
使用方法/ Instructions 雙手握杠,作屈臂上下運動。禁止橫向位動雙杠。該器材較適合於中、青年人群,限二人使用。
With both hands grip tightly on the horizontal bar, lift the body up and down.
4、三麵豪華腰背按摩器/Triple Elegant Back Massage
規格/ size 1470*1470*3220mm
功能/ Function 按摩腰、背,放松相關肌肉,增強相關部位血液循環。
Massage waist and back, relax the muscles, enhance the blood circulation
使用方法/ Instructions 腰或背緊靠按摩器上,上下左右緩慢移動,利用凸點對相關部位進行按摩
Stand and abut the waist or back against the massage roller with slight pressure, move the body up and down or left and right, utilize the knobs on the roller to press on or massage the waist or back..
5、三麵豪華腹肌板/ Triple Elegant Sit up
規格/ size 2400*2400*3220mm
功能/ Function 增加人體的腹部肌肉力量。
Strengthen the abdominal muscles.
使用方法/ Instructions 仰臥在器械上,用腳踝勾牢橫杠,仰臥雙手交叉置於腦後,利用腹部肌肉力理收縮坐起。
Lie down on the camber and hook the feet at a rung , put the hands behind the head, use abdominal muscles to sit up and return to original position. Repeat the same movement.
6、三麵豪華肩關節康器/ Triple Elegant Push Hands
規格/ size 1790*1790*3220mm
功能/ Function 活動腕、肘、肩關節,增強相關肌群的柔韌性和心肺功能。
Train the wrists. Elbows and shoulder joints, stengthen the flexibility of the muscle group and the cardiopulmonary function.
使用方法/ Instructions 雙手握住手柄,同方向或反方向轉動圓環。禁止攀爬或垂直拉動圓環。該器材適合於各年齡段人群。每段僅限1人使用。
Hold the handles with both hands and turn the two wheels in the same or different directions simultaneously.
7、三麵豪華大轉輪/ Triple Elegant Big Wheels
規格/ size 1620*1620*3220mm
功能/ Function 活動腕、肘、肩關節,增強相關肌群的柔韌性和心肺功能。
Train wrists, elbows, shoulders, and waist; and enhance their flexibility and the cardiopulmonary function.
使用方法/ Instructions 單手握手柄,正或側對器材,順或逆時針轉動;雙手各握手柄,順或逆時針轉動,也可翻轉身體。不同使用方法對關節和肌群有不同的效果。
Use one hand to grasp one handle of the wheel and turn the wheel clockwise or anti-clockwise, then change hand and repeat the same action. Or grasp the two handlse of a wheel at the same and turn the body continuously.
8、豪華雙人漫步機/Twin Elegant Double Health Walker
規格/ size 2580*885*2300mm
功能/ Function 活動髖、踝關節,增強相關肌群的柔韌性和心肺功能。
Activate hip and ankle joints, strength the flexibility of the muscles and enhance the cardiopulmonary capacity.
使用方法/ Instructions 雙手緊握橫杠,雙腳分置踏板上,雙腿交替前後擺動。該器械較適合於中、老年人。踏板未停穩時嚴禁上下。
Hold the handles with both hands, step on the two footboards, move two legs back and forth simultaneously and continuously.
9、豪華雙人健騎機/ Twin Elegant Horse Rider
規格/ size 1440*1325*2300mm
功能/ Function 鍛煉上肢、下肢及腹部肌肉,增強心肺功能與協調能力。
Train the muscles on legs, hands and abdomen, improve the cardiopulmonary capacity and coordination ability.
使用方法/ Instructions 坐在座椅上,雙手握緊手柄,雙腳踩在踏板上,腳向下蹬,手向下水平方向拉,反復使用。
Sit and hold the two handles, put the feet onto footboards, utilize own weight to pull and stretch the legs and then return to sit position. Repeat the cycle.
10、豪華橢圓機/ Twin Elegant Sky Stepper
規格/ size 3180*865*2300mm
功能/ Function 活動上下肢及腰部關節,增強人體心肺功能。
Activate upper and lower limbs and waist joints, strengthen the flexibility of the muscle group and the cardiopulmonary function.
使用方法/ Instructions 雙腳分站在踏板上,雙手緊握把手,上肢作前後屈伸、下肢作橢圓運動。踏板靜止狀態上下。該器材適合除兒童外各年齡段人群,每站位限1人使用。
Hold the two handles and step on the two footboards, push and pull the handles repeatedly with the feet simulating sliding.
11、豪華雙人浪板/ Twin Elegant Mini-ski
規格/ size 1200*900*2300mm
功能/ Function 活動腰部關節、增強腰側肌群的柔韌性及心肺功能。
Activate and strengthen the waist joints. Enhance the cardiopulmonary function.
使用方法/ Instructions 雙腳站同一踏板上,雙手握緊護杠,腰部用力作鐘擺式運動。該器械適合於中、老年人。每站位限1人使用。擺臂靜止方可上下器械。
Step on the footboard with two feet. Hold the two handles, utilize the strength of waist to move the legs like a pendulum
12、自重式雙人坐拉訓練器/Pull Down Challenger
規格/ size 2040*850*1900mm
功能/ Function 增強上肢、胸、背肌群的力量。
Enhance the muscle strength of upper limbs, chest, and the back.
使用方法/ Instructions 麵或背對器械而坐,雙手握緊手柄,用力向下拉,緩慢還原。該器械適合於各年齡段人群,每坐位限1人使用。
Sit on the seat plank with facing inward or outward, hold and pull down the handles, hold a moment and then return slowly to original position. Repeat the cycle.
13、自重式坐推訓練器/Power Push
規格/ size 1790*710*2210mm
功能/ Function 增強上肢及背部肌群力量
Enhance the muscle strength of upper limbs and the back.
使用方法/ Instructions 坐在器械椅上,雙手握緊手柄,用力將手臂向前推至上肢伸直,稍作停頓,緩慢還原。重復動作使用。
Sit on the seat plank, hold and push the handles, hold a moment and then return slowly to original position. Repeat the cycle.
14、三人壓腿器/Leg Stretch
規格/ size 930*930*1160mm
功能/ Function 增強腰、腿、腹部肌群的柔韌性.
Stretch lower limbs and strengthen the flexibility of the muscles, release the fatigue.
使用方法/ Instructions 將右腿或左腿抬起,放置於橫杠上,身體盡量向前傾斜,彈壓後復原,雙腿交替活動。
Stand on one foot and stretch another leg onto a rail, lean forward and try to hold rail or tiptoes.Repeat the cycle with standing on another foot.
15.扭腰踏步器/Twin Elegant Welcome Station
Dimension:160*100*260cm Price:27300(RMB)
Instructions:Helps to improve Leg Strength And Body Balance
Fuctions:Hold grab bars with both hands,balance body,step up with right foot first and then left on step platform,with both feet on platform ,step down using right foot first,follow byleft ,repeat using left foot first.
