材質 | 錦綸綜絲 粗線 出口產品 | 幅寬 | 20米18鬥50眼 防風(m) | 孔徑 | 3.6(目) |
絲徑 | 0.11(mm) | 顏色 | 黑色 | 使用壽命 | 0.6(年) |
新奇創意項目 | 報名 |
Chinese in eastern mountain area of a 10 years of "bird wars"
"以前沒這麼多鳥兒,是由於民間的土槍土銃被收繳,才保護瞭鳥類大量繁殖的。現在我們走過彎路,才真正達到瞭保護鳥兒的目的。"王舍陽說,歷經10年,現在在樹林中聽著鳥叫,聲音再也不是以前作戰似的聒噪,而是悅耳的歌唱瞭。這大概正應瞭一句中國古話,隻要相互理解,就會"相逢一笑泯恩仇. 葡萄遇鳥害,驅鳥辦法多 In case of bird bird grape, wa
In recent years, China's grape production on more and more reports of birds harm, not only the cultivation of fresh varieties, wine varieties from bird, and greenhouse, greenhouse grapes and raisins drying room is also influenced by the bird. The bird of the grape invasion harm reason, one is with the enhancement of China's national environmental protection consciousness bird species, population, a sharp increase in the number of two; with grape grain, bright color, thin, sweet, early - and late maturing varieties appear continuously, also enhances the birds temptation, especially exposed grape spike, more vulnerable to the invasion of birds.
葡萄園鳥害發生的特點 The characteristics of vineyard bird occurrence
Vineyard bird occurrence and cultivated varieties, cultivation mode, cultivation area closely related to natural conditions, a comprehensive analysis of the occurrence of bird damage has the following characteristics.
Fresh food than wine varieties serious. In the survey found Beijing city Daxing District, fresh varieties, early maturing and late maturing varieties of red, large grain, thin skinned varieties suffer significantly heavier.
Cultivation way and degree of severity. The bird Trellis Cultivation of birds was significantly heavier than in scaffolding, scaffolding, exposed ear damage is in the ear. The degree of bird bagging vineyards significantly reduced, but should pay attention to the selecion of good quality fruit bag.
Different bird activity pattern is different. Observed in the vineyard, in one year, the season is the largest bird activity in the fruit color to maturity, followed by early germination to flowering stage. During the day, after dawn and evening before and after the 2 obvious bird activity peak.
In addition, the trees, the river and civil buildings of the cottage beside the bird is more serious, because these places from the bird's habitat is near, so the bird is very serious.
Vineyard bird defense measures
In the premise of the protection of birds under the birds in the vineyard to prevent or reduce the activity is the most basic defense measures. The vineyard bird, suitable for vineyards with anti bird measures:
Ear bagging. Ear bagging is the most convenient method of anti bird, but also anti pest, pesticide, etc. the effect of dust ear. But the magpie crow, larger birds, often broke through the bag pecking grape, so be sure to use good quality, strong tenacity in birds more paper bag. The area available nylon mesh bags for bagging, which can not only prevent bird damage, but does not affect the fruit coloring.
The erection of bird proof. Bird proof is not only suitable for the large area of vineyards, is also applicable to the small size of the vineyard or garden grapes, its method is the first 0.75~1.0 in the grape on the surface of 8 meters by adding No. ~10 wire support network aspect into the grid, grid on the special anti made of nylon net the grid around the vertical ground and soil compaction, to prevent the bird fly into from the side. Because most of the birds of dark confusion, so it should try to use white nylon net, should not use black or green nylon mesh. In the hail prone areas, adjust the grid size, the combination of anti hail net and anti bird netting set is a good measure to a multiplier.
An isolated network of air drying room. Raisins and the import and export vents, air exchange in advance to set the appropriate specifications of wire mesh, nylon net, to prevent the birds to enter.
The improvement of cultivation modes. In birds often, appropriate leaves, ear cover, and pay attention to the health status of the surrounding orchard, can significantly reduce the occurrence of bird。
How to prevent bird damage to vineyards
The prevention of bird damage to vineyards may take the following measures: one is ear bagging, not only can prevent birds, bees and other animal damage, and can effectively prevent various diseases and insect pests and chemicals, dust pollution, the production of high-quality pollution-free fruit. The fruit bag can be a large selection of microporous breathable plastic bag, good prevention effect, price low. Grape plants spend about 15 days after spraying, 1 thiophanate methyl (key spray and bagging ear), until after harvest to the bag or belt bag can be listed. Two is laying bird proof, the fruit began to mature, in the orchard erected around a circle. Bird proof three is the use of fake Eagle drive with a variety of colors, the feather made false eagle, tied to the wooden pole, according to the orchard area in the column on a fixed number of false eagle, false bird eagle swaying in the wind, the effect is very good. If the orchard electricity, with the play Hawk tape at the bird, the bird is better.
This company specialized production processing, custom-made all kinds of specifications models of anti bird netting, raw materials used in the fishing line of nylon line (service life than that of polyethylene material twice as long), nylon line has high tensile strength, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, antioxidant, in the industry have a good reputation, favored by the friends of farmers, there are a variety of anti bird netting products, reasonable price, good quality, variety and can mass production, long-term supply, welcomed the broad masses of customers at home and abroad to come to consult and discuss, study.
Vineyard bird proof
On the door of grapes, many farmers would think no so-called emotion is half of the people think that it is necessary to, on the shelf grape can be made fully cover, with strong anti bird netting contrast suitable, fastness relatively better about usually kinds of farmers is fully capable of receiving, low cost compared with usually no knot nets contrast, contrast of light, about some of the fine fruit bale to introduce nylon anti bird netting, contrast color fastness to high to be able to use more than 5 years. High density polyethylene can be reached more than 3 years, and cost is lower.
Cherry should pay attention to some customers will think with small pieces of network, the Yi Keke tree cover and contrast tendency in small sizes and types of network, cherry and other fruit by bird damage is still relatively contrast serious. Cherry prices, sometimes will formation of farmer particle without charg 因此防鳥網是果農的必備產品。
So the bid proof is the necessary product of farmers.
Company shipping
簡介 Company profile
Shandong Shun hair net plastic limited company headquarters is located in Shandong city of Qingdao province. The company to expand the domestic and foreign products for the marketing channels of domestic and foreign and other integrated companies! The company headquarters is located in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, the factory was set up in Binzhou City, Wudi Province, Shandong City, Shandong Province, Binzhou City, Zhanhua Province, province.
Attention in agriculture, animal husbandry and anti bird netting, net of farmland protection, breeding net, fishing nets, insect nets, vineyard specific anti bird netting and a variety of outdoor activities such as series of products and production and sales of various electrical equipment and hardware products.
The company is committed to the Chinese brand manufacturers to provide for domestic and international professional marketing team and feasible marketing channel service.
The company was founded in 2007, the company has a wide range of commodity information network and strong execution team. Partners throughout the country and abroad. Our products are well received both at home and abroad! The company's aim is to the quality of production, to the credibility of development!
The company adhering to the "customer first, service first seeking innovation mutual beneficial business purpose, strengthen the contact with domestic and international and cooperation
山東順中發塑料網具有限公司的管理理念是引進西點模式,構築執行環境,打造商業人格,轉變員工思維方式 激活企業原動力!
Shandong Shun in Plastic Articles Co., Ltd. management idea is the introduction of West Point mode, build execution environment, build commercial personality and shift employees thinking ways to activate the motive force of the enterprise.
Company leader Liu Xuemei with all the staff welcome the leadership and new and old customers come to visit or talk about business!
Our company is specialized in producing all kinds of nylon monofilament farmers and bird proof special protective orchard pond
戶外用品——吊床Outdoor activities -- a hammock
漁具用品 -魚竿-魚護-地籠
Fishing - Fishing fish basket Cage
土產五金製品-葦簾蓋簾Native hardware products - reed cover
The above copyright in Shandong shun plastic nets Limited all, prohibited reproduced or copied.
