加工定製 | 否 | 類型 | 比例閥 | 材質 | 鑄鐵 |
型號 | KBS KTG KCG KBF KBD KHDG KSDG | 品牌 | VICKERS/威格士 | 適用溫度 | -20-80(℃)(℃) |
類型(通道位置) | NG06, NG10,NG16,NG25 -NG32 | 連接形式 | 板式連接 | 驅動方式 | 電磁 |
詳情請咨詢QQ:332429930 上海櫟洵工業設備有限公司 提供詳細樣本
General Description
The KBSDG4V-5 line offers arange of proportional directionalvalves with integralcontrol electronics. Factoryset
adjustments of gain andoffset ensure consistentreproducibility valve-to-valve.
These four-way solenoidoperated proportional valveshave a high dynamic performancewhich enablesthem to be used in closedloopapplications, previouslypossible only with servovalves. Various spool optionsare available for rated flowsup to 80 L/min (21 USgpm).Working pressures are to315 bar (4500 psi). The spoolposition is monitored by anLVDT which feeds back informationto the amplifier,enabling spool position to beaccurately maintained.
This valve is available with anintegral amplifier builtdirectly on to the valve.
The only electrical inputsrequired are power supply(24V) and a command signal,either ±10V or 4-20 mA
(model code selectable). Theamplifier is housed in arobust metal enclosure,
sealed against ingress of water and other fluids.
Electrical connections are via an industry standard 7-pinplug.A spool position monitor pin allows the function of the
valve to be electrically monitored. Ramp functions,if required, can be generatedexternally.Features and Benefits
• Wide range of zero lapspool and flow rateoptions.
• Supported by a broadrange of auxiliary functionmodules.
• Electronic feedback LVDTensures accurate spooL position control.
• Internal current feedbac provides optimal control.
• Vibration and shock tested.
• Full CE electromagnetic compatibility.
• Factory-sealed adjustments ensure valveto-valve reproducibility.
• Installation wiring reducedand simplified.
• Standard 7-pin connector.
• Standard 24V DC supply with wide tolerance band.
• Optional command signal, ±10V or 4-20 mA (modelcode selectable).
• Valve with integrated amplifier selected, ordered, delivered and installed as one performance-testedpackage.
• Spool position monitor pin to help with troubleshooting.
• Simple valve removal and replacement for service(plug & play).
• IP67 valve, environmentalprotection rating.
• Optional valve enable
以下是KBSDG系列的比例閥,特價供應,部分現貨,保證伊頓原裝 詳情請咨詢QQ:33242993 上海櫟洵工業設備有限公司
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