
  • 現在位置: 首頁 » 貨源 » 機械設備 » 液壓元件 » 液壓閥 »
    商品代碼: 11559389
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定製 類型 疊加閥 材質 鑄鐵
    型號 蝶式滿油閥 品牌 科龍 適用范圍 0-25mpa
    產品別名 充液閥 適用介質 油品 適用溫度 120(℃)
    公稱壓力 25(MPa) 公稱通徑 300(mm) 安裝形式 疊加
    工作溫度 低溫 類型(通道位置) 直通式 連接形式 法蘭
    零部件及配件 閥體 流動方向 雙向 驅動方式 液壓油
    形態 蝶式 壓力環境 高壓 主體材料 鑄鐵


    Fujian Kelong Machinery is a professional manufacturer integrating development, production and sales. Since its inception, the company, in the business philosophy of “Quality-oriented, Integrity Business, User Supreme”, provides high-quality and high–efficiency products and services for universal customers.


    Ceramic-like melamine molding machines, tableware circular edge grinding machines, plant fiber products molding machines, bakelite electric appliance molding machines, marble board (title) grinding head abrasive molding machines, rubber sponge product molding machines, and various hydraulic oil press produced by the company boast selected materials, reasonable design and durable in use. Since these products put into the market, they are well received by domestic and overseas customers.


    In face of new opportunities and challenges, Kelong Machinery will make more efforts to provide you with better products and more complete services. Welcome to visit us! Kelong would like to meet future opportunities and challenges and create a better future with you through common endeavor.  


    Patent number of our products:

    專利號:ZL  2010  2  0140797.2

    專利號:ZL  2011  2  0103574.3

    專利號:ZL  2012  2  0063761.8

    專利號:ZL  2012  3  0399713.1

    Patent number: ZL  2010  2  0140797.2

    Patent number: ZL  2011  2  0103574.3

    Patent number: ZL  2012  2  0063761.8

    Patent number: ZL  2012  3  0399713.1

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