
  • 供應SKF LGMT3/5軸承附屬件
    商品代碼: 11558550
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    品牌 SKF 型號 LGMT3/5 加工定製
    是否標準件 標準件 樣品或現貨 現貨 是否進口 進口
    類型 滾珠保持圈 用途 關節軸承 材質 不銹鋼

    Section 1 - Product and company identification
    Product identifier : SKF LHMF 300 Mounting Fluid
    Product description : N/Av
    Internal part no. : LHMF 300/5
    Product use : Bearing Hydraulic Dismounting Fluid
    Trade name : LHMF 300 Mounting Fluid
    SKF Maintenance Products B.V.
    Supplier’s name and address: Manufacturer’s name and address:
    SKF Canada Limited
    40 Executive Court
    Scarborough, ON, Canada
    M1S 4N4
    Post Box # 1008
    NL-3430 BA
    Nieuwegein, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    : 1. SKF, The Netherlands at +31 30 6307200
    2. SKF, Scarborough, ontario at (416) 299-1220 (24 Hours)
    Emergency tel. #
    Section 2 - Composition/information on ingredients
    Ingredients CAS # % (weight) inh, rat
    Paraffinic base oil N/Av >5000 mg/kg (rat) >2000 mg/kg
    72623-85-9 30.00 - 60.00
    Paraffinic base oils >5000mg/m³ (rat) >5000 mg/kg (rat) >2000 mg/kg
    72623-87-1 30.00 - 60.00
    Section 3 - Hazards identification
    Emergency overview
    Red liquid. Odour - Mineral oil.
    Caution! May cause respiratory irritation. May be mildly irritating to eyes and skin.
    Ingestion of large amounts may be harmful.
    ***Potential health effects***
    Target organs : Eyes, skin, respiratory system and digestive system.
    Routes of exposure : Eye contact; Skin contact; Ingestion; Inhalation.
    Inhalation If product is heated or mists are formed, inhalation may cause irritation to the nose, throat and respiratory
    Signs and symptoms of short-term (acute) exposure
    May cause mild transient irritation. Prolonged contact, such as when trapped against the skin under clothing
    or jewelry, may be more irritating. Hydrocarbons injected into the skin under pressure can cause severe
    Skin :
    Eyes : May cause mild eye irritation. Symptoms will include pain, redness and tearing.
    Ingestion : Low degree of toxicity. May have laxative effects. May cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
    : Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause defatting and drying resulting in irritation and
    possible dermatitis.
    Potential chronic health effects
    Other important hazards : None reported by the manufacturer.
    Carcinogenic status : See TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION, Section 11.
    Additional health hazards : See TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION, Section 11.
    If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration.
    Get medical attention/advice if you feel unwell.
    Inhalation :
    Section 4 - First aid measures
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    In case of contact with skin, wash with mild soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists,
    seek prompt medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use. Subcutaneous
    injection may require surgical treatment.
    Skin contact :
    Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek
    prompt medical attention.
    Eye contact :
    : Do NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get
    medical attention.
    Fire hazards/conditions of flammability
    Section 5 - Fire fighting measures
    Not flammable under normal conditions of handling. Liquid may burn upon heating to
    temperatures at or above the flashpoint. Empty containers retain residue (liquid and/or
    vapour) and can be dangerous. Minor contamination by hydrocarbons of higher volatility may
    increase flammability. Do not pressurize, cut, heat or weld empty containers. Keep away
    from heat and sources of ignition.
    Flash point : >200°C
    Flash point method : ASTM D 93 Auto-ignition temperature : >350°C
    N/Av N/Av
    Lower flammable limit (% by vol.)
    : :
    Upper flammable limit (% by vol.)
    Oxidizing properties : None known.
    Flame projection length : N/Ap Flashback observed : N/Ap
    Explosion data: Sensitivity to mechanical impact / static discharge
    : Not expected to be sensitive to mechanical impact or static discharge.
    Dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide and water fog. Do not use water jet, as this may spread
    burning material.
    Suitable extinguishing media :
    Firefighters should wear proper protective equipment and self contained breathing apparatus
    with full face piece operated in positive pressure mode. Move containers from fire area if safe
    to do so. Water spray may be useful in cooling equipment exposed to heat and flame. Direct
    water or foam spray may cause frothing which can increase the intensity and range of the
    Special fire-fighting procedures/equipment
    : Oxides of carbon and nitrogen.
    Hazardous combustion products
    Restrict access to area until completion of clean-up. Ensure clean-up is conducted by trained
    personnel only. All persons dealing with clean-up should wear the appropriate protective
    equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus. Keep all other personnel upwind
    and away from the spill/release.
    Personal precautions :
    Section 6 - Accidental release measures
    Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. For large spills, dike the area to
    prevent spreading.
    Environmental precautions :
    Spill response/cleanup Ventilate area of release. Eliminate all ignition sources. Stop the spill at source if it is safe to
    do so. Cover any spilled material with non-combustible absorbent material, such as
    vermiculite or sand, then place absorbent material into a container for later disposal (see
    Section 13). Clean contaminated floors and objects thoroughly while observing environmental
    regulations. Notify the appropriate authorities as required.
    Prohibited materials : None known.
    Wear suitable protective equipment during handling. Use in a well ventilated area. Avoid
    breathing vapours. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Keep container tightly closed
    when not in use. Keep away from heat and flame. Keep away from incompatibles. Handle
    and open container with care. Wash thoroughly after handling. Warning: High pressure
    greasing equipment is capable of injecting product under the skin. Such apparatus should be
    handled with care. See Section 3.
    Safe handling procedures :
    Section 7 - Handling and storage
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    Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area, away from heat and ignition sources. Store away
    from incompatible materials. Storage area should be clearly identified, clear of obstruction
    and accessible only to trained and authorized personnel. Inspect periodically for damage or
    Storage requirements :
    Incompatible materials : Avoid contact with strong oxidants such as liquid chlorine, concentrated oxygen, sodium
    hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite.
    Special packaging materials : Always keep in containers made of the same materials as the supply container.
    Section 8 - Exposure controls and personal protection
    Ingredients TWA STEL PEL STEL
    5 mg/m3 (As 'Oil
    mist, mineral')
    5 mg/m3 (As 'Oil N/Av
    mist, mineral')
    Paraffinic base oil N/Av
    5 mg/m3 (As 'Oil
    mist, mineral')
    5 mg/m3 (As 'Oil N/Av
    mist, mineral')
    Paraffinic base oils N/Av
    : Use with adequate ventilation. Local ventilation is recommended if the product is misted or
    used in a confined space, or if the TLV is exceeded.
    Ventilation and engineering measures
    wher exposure is likely to be prolonged or is unknown wear approved respiratory protection.
    If the TLV is exceeded, a NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator is advised.
    Respiratory protection :
    Impervious gloves must be worn when using this product. Confirmation of what type of
    material is most suitable for the intended application, should be obtained from glove
    Skin protection :
    Eye / face protection : Safety glasses with side-shields or chemical splash goggles.
    Other protective equipment Depending on conditions of use, an impervious apron should be worn. Other equipment may
    be required depending on workplace standards. An eyewash station and safety shower should
    be made available in the immediate working area. Remove and wash contaminated clothing
    and gloves, including the inside, before re-use. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of
    Section 9 - Physical and chemical properties
    Physical state : Liquid. Appearance : red
    Odour : Mineral oil Odour threshold : N/Av
    pH : N/Av
    Boiling point : 200°C Specific gravity : 0.882
    Melting/freezing point : < - 25°C Coefficient of water/oil distribution
    : N/Av
    Vapour pressure (mmHg @ 20° C / 68° F) Solubility in water : Insoluble.
    : N/Av
    : N/Ap
    Vapour density (Air = 1) : N/Av Evaporation rate (n-Butyl acetate = 1)
    Volatile organic compounds (VOC's)
    Volatiles (% by weight) : N/Av
    Absolute pressure of vontainer Viscosity : 300 cSt
    : N/Av
    Stability and reactivity : Stable under the recommended storage and handling conditions prescribed. Hazardous
    polymerisation does not occur.
    Section 10 - Reactivity and stability data
    : Keep away from excessive heat, open flames, sparks and other possible sources of ignition.
    Empty containers retain residue (liquid and/or vapour) and can be dangerous. Do not
    pressurize, cut, heat or weld empty containers. Caution! Never use pressure to empty
    container. Heat, sparks and open flames, electrical and static discharge.
    Conditions to avoid
    Materials to avoid and incompatibility
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    : See Section 7 (Handling and Storage) section for further details.
    None known, refer to hazardous combustion products in Section 5.
    Hazardous decomposition products
    Toxicological data: There is no available data for the product itself, only for the ingredients. See Section
    Section 11 - Toxicological information
    Irritancy of product : Mild eye irritant. Mild skin irritation.
    Carcinogenic status : No components are listed as carcinogens by ACGIH, IARC, OSHA or NTP.
    Reproductive effects : Not expected to have other reproductive effects.
    Teratogenicity : Not expected to be a teratogen.
    Mutagenicity : Not expected to be mutagenic in humans.
    Sensitization to material : Not expected to be a skin or respiratory sensitizer.
    Synergistic materials : None known or reported by the manufacturer.
    Medical conditions aggravated by overexposure
    Pre-existing skin, eye and respiratory disorders.
    Environmental effects : No information available.
    Section 12 - Ecological information
    important environmental characteristics
    No data is available on the product itself. The product should not be allowed to enter drains
    or water courses, or be deposited wher it can affect ground or surface waters.
    Ecotoxicological : No data is available on the product itself.
    Handle waste according to recommendations in Section 7. Do not contaminate ponds,
    waterways or ditches with chemical or used container.
    Handling for disposal :
    Section 13 - Disposal considerations
    Methods of disposal : Dispose of in accordance with federal, provincial and local hazardous waste laws.
    Section 14 - Transportation information
    Information UN Number Shipping Name Class
    Group Label
    TDG None Not regulated. not regulated none
    Section 15 - Regulatory information
    Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) information: All ingredients listed appear on the Domestic Substances List (DSL).
    WHMIS classification:
    This product is not a WHMIS controlled product in Canada.
    This product has been classified according to the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all of the
    information required by the CPR.
    TSCA: All listed ingredients appear on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory.
    US federal information:
    Section 16 - Other information
    Legend : ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
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    AIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Association
    CAS: Chemical Abstract Services
    DSL: Domestic Substances List
    HSDB: Hazardous Substances Data Bank
    IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
    Inh: Inhalation
    MSHA: Mine Safety and Health Administration
    N/Ap: not applicable
    N/Av: not available
    NIOSH: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
    OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    PEL: Permissible exposure limit
    RTECS: Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
    STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit
    TCC: Tagliabue Closed Cup
    TDG: Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act & Regulations
    TLV: Threshold Limit Values
    TSCA: Toxic Substance Control Act
    TWA: Time Weighted Average
    WEEL: Workplace Environmental Exposure Level
    WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Identification System
    1. International Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs, searched 2007.
    2. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, CCInfoWeb databases, 2007
    (Chempendium, HSDB and RTECs).
    3. Material Safety Data Sheets from manufacturer.
    4. ACGIH, Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents & Biological
    Exposure Indices for 2006.
    References :
    Prepared for:
    SKF Canada Limited
    40 Executive Court
    Scarborough, ON, Canada, M1S 4N4
    Telephone: 416-299-1220
    MSDS Preparation Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    End of document
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