
Zumo Robot for Arduino 相撲對抗機器人 履帶尋線智能小車 Pololu 原裝進口 (不含電機)

2013年哈爾濱奧松機器人科技有限公司正式成為美國第一大機器人零件巨頭公司Pololu中國區域總代理。Zumo Robot for Arduino是由美國Pololu公司出品的一款履帶式機器人也是相撲機器人比賽的專業機器人,它可以用一個Arduino (或兼容設備)作為其主控製器。98mm × 98mm × 39mm的精巧機身,不含電池約165克的重量,如此完美的配比絕對有資格參與Mini-Sumo的競爭。
此款機器人還可以采用瞭兩個75:1的微型金屬減速電機(選配),以便提供充足的扭矩,最高時速約2英尺每秒(60厘米/秒),這使得它比同類的Solarbotics Sumovore 和 Parallax SumoBot 更加靈活,Zumo Robot for Arduino機器人的前部安裝有一個0.036英寸厚的激光切割不銹鋼的sumo刀片,用以推開其周圍的物體(比方說其他的機器人)。
Zumo Robot for Arduino機器人的控製器從本質上來講可以說是Arduino Uno或者Leonardo的擴展板,兩者都可以直接與這款機器人插接使用(但與Arduino Mega 或是 Due並不兼容)。

精致不銹鋼擋板 橫掃一切阻礙
1、產品名稱:Zumo Robot for Arduino
3、安裝在車底的6個紅外傳感器,使Zumo Robot能夠對障礙物迅速做出反應,可同時用於尋線和障礙檢測。
6、集成LSM303DLHC 3軸加速度傳感器和3軸磁強計,可用於檢測運動。
Zumo 輪式機器人套件清單



Zumo Robot for Arduino的長度尺寸與前擋板70°角設計

Zumo Robot for Arduino的寬度與高度示意圖
1、一塊Arduino Uno或Leonardo控製器
1、GP2D12 IR 夏普紅外測距傳感器
2、GP2Y0A02YK0F 夏普紅外測距傳感器
The Zumo robot is a low-profile tracked robot platform intended for use with an Arduino (or compatible device) as its main controller. It measures less than 10 cm on each side and weighs approximately 300 g with an Arduino Uno and batteries (165 g without, as shipped), so it is both small enough and light enough to qualify for Mini-Sumo competitions. It uses two 75:1 HP micro metal gearmotors to drive the treads, providing plenty of torque and a top speed of approximately 2 feet per second (60 cm/s), which makes it much more agile than competing robots like the Solarbotics Sumovore and Parallax SumoBot while still offering plenty of control. The Zumo robot includes a 0.036"-thick laser-cut stainless steel sumo blade mounted to the front of the chassis for pushing around objects like other robots, and a reflectance sensor array mounted along the front edge of the Zumo (behind the sumo blade) allows the Zumo to detect features on the ground in front of it, such as lines for following or edges for avoiding.
The Zumo control board is essentially a shield for the Arduino Uno or Leonardo, both of which can be plugged directly into the shield’s male header pins, face down. (It is not compatible with the Arduino Mega or Due, but it can be used with older Arduinos that have the same form factor as the Uno, such as the Duemilanove.) The shield includes dual motor drivers, a buzzer for playing simple sounds and music, a user pushbutton, and a 3-axis accelerometer and compass. It also boosts the battery voltage to power the Arduino and breaks out the Arduino I/O lines, reset button, and user LED for convenient access and to accommodate additional sensors.
Our Zumo Arduino libraries make it easy to interface with all of the integrated hardware, and we provide a number of sample programs that show how to use the Zumo’s reflectance array, pushbutton, buzzer, and motors. We have also written a basic LSM303 Arduino library that makes it easier to interface the LSM303DLHC 3-axis accelerometer and magnetometer with an Arduino.
The robot ships as shown in the main product picture; no assembly or soldering is required. An appropriate Arduino (or compatible controller) and four AA batteries are required but not included.
1、Zumo Shield schematic diagrams
2、Zumo Shield front expansion pinout