品牌 | 力宇牌 | 型號 | SC801E | 供應商類型 | 自主生產廠商 |
KR功能特點 / Highlight Features:
1.高檔外觀, 配置日本原裝KM1024/KM1024i工業級內恒溫UV打印頭(14PL,9PL或6PL可選),速度是KM512噴頭的一倍或以上,最高精度可達2880dpi;
High Class preferred Model, with Japanese KM1024/KM1024I industrial UV printhead (14pl, 9pl or 6pl optional). Print speed double than KM512 or more, Max. resolution: 2880dpi.
4/5/6/7/8 color optional to achieve white/varnish spot color print, color-white, color-whitle-color print at the same time.
Adopt whole welding frame with several print partition vacuum table, table resolution within 0.4mm to insure high print quality output.
Double negative pressure system & White ink degassing system, which insures continuous and stable ink supply.
Auto. Media height detection & media location system enables accurate media location and fast preparation works.
Independent developed PCB system, low maintenance cost. LIYUprint software enjoys free life time upgrades.
KJ功能特點 / Highlight Features:
1.噴頭特點:采用日本Konica公司的KM512噴頭, 14pl墨滴,最高打印精度可達720×1440dpi,可以實現打印速度與精度完美結合。
Printhead Characteristics: Adopt the advanced Japanese New Konica UV specialized head, 512 double staggered, built-in temperature control system, real printing resolution up to 1440dpi.—Perfect combination of speed and resolution.
2.承印介質:玻璃、瓷磚、鋁板、木板、門板、紙板、雪弗板、天花板、 密度板、金屬漆麵板、馬桶蓋、亞克力、有機玻璃;
Type of Media: glass, ceramic, aluminum, wood, doors, cardboard, Chevron board, ceiling, MDF, metal lacquer panels, toilet cover, acrylic, plexiglass, etc.
3.機械優勢:采用雙絲杠雙直線導軌寬邊掃描機械結構,機械精度行業領先;臺麵承重100KG每平方, 橫梁自動升降,材料厚度可達100mm;打印平臺分段真空吸附,適合各種幅麵打印需求,保證介質和平臺緊密貼合;原點定位,氣動控製頂料,單人即可操作;
Mechanic Superiority: dual lead screw & dual linear guide broadside scanning mechanical structure, industry-leading machinery precision; Table loading capacity of 100kg/sqm, crossbeam up and down automatically, maximum media thickness up to 100mm; Sub-vacuum absorption table enables the printing on different sizes of media; Auto. detection of Origin, pneumatic medium jack-up system plus rolling bearings enables even a single person can load the large-format media easily.
Electronic control Superiority: Independent developed entire control system, classic combination of USB and Three-Optical fiber far speed data transmission system, LIYU patent software control system, have experienced numerous customers trials.
5.氣墨路控製: 氣墨路閉環自動控製,打印質量穩定可靠; 日本進口氣動控製元器件,質量有保證;力宇專利清洗閥系統,維護更輕松;
Pressure & Ink supply control: Closed-loop automatic control, reliable printing quality; pneumatic control components imported from Japan, guaranteed quality; LIYU patent Valve cleaning system, easy to maintain.
6.主墨罐液位 顯示功能:全新的人性化設計按鍵操作麵板設計,使得人機交互更加直觀、方便、快捷;
Main tank ink level display function, brand new and user-friendly design of control panel, makes the human-computer communication more intuitive, convenient and faster.
7. 色彩更廣泛:可選配為四色、四色加白色/光油、六色、六色加白色/光油等配置,為不同需求的用戶提供相應的解決方案;白色鋪底、蓋麵、專色打印功能,白色的引入令應用更為廣泛。
More Color options: The Machine can be configured as KCMY / KCMY + W + V / KCMY LC LM / KCMY LC LM + W + V; Moreover, the machine could achieve the bed and cover coating or spot-color printing.
