品牌 | 客戶 | 材質 | PVC ,磁鐵 | 規格 | A4 其他 |
適用送禮場合 | 辦公 傢用 其他 | 加印LOGO | 可以 | 加工定製 | 是 |
磁鐵磁材 | 冰箱貼 | 彩色磁片 | 背膠磁片 | 磁性打印紙 |
磁條 | 磁扣 | 磁卷 | 磁性文件袋 | 磁性相框 |
磁性膠帶 | 磁性塑料盒 | 磁性掛鉤 | 磁性夾子 | 磁性禮品贈品 |
磁性徽章 | 磁性駕駛標志 | 磁性畫板白板 | 磁性板夾 | 磁性板擦 白板筆 |
Our company is a professional manufacturing factory of magnetic products!!!!!
The main production sales, rubber magnetic, ferrite, ndfeb, samarium cobalt magnet, alnico magnets, welcome to figure custom!
Magnet products products: magnetic refrigerator, magnetic darts, magnetic phone book, magnetic tin fridge magnets, magnetic gifts, magnetic stationery, magnetic tape, magnetic printing paper, magnetic beginners, magnetic bookmark, magnetic material, the color disk, magnetic stripe, magnetic clasp, Japanese advertising gifts, etc. All kinds of magnetic products.
The magnet magnetic refrigerator magnetic printing paper
Magnetic stripe magnetic buckle magnetic Tool holder
magnetic envelope magnetic photo frame
Magnetic tape magnetic magnetic plastic box magnetic hook
magnetic gifts gifts
Magnetic badge magnetic driving sign
magnetic drawing board and white board magnetic powder and magnetic sweeper, whiteboard pen
