| 廣東省汕頭市新一代禮品文具,是一傢禮品、工藝品、飾品、文具[手袋]的生產企業,是經國傢相關部門批準註冊的企業。主營購物袋、錢包、CD包、筆袋、環保袋、手提袋 資料袋 文具袋 購物袋 文件袋 袋包之類產品。本著“客戶第一,誠信至上”的原則與多傢企業建立瞭長期的合作關系。熱誠歡迎各界朋友。中外客商前來參觀、下單,考察、洽談業務。本公司產品主要銷售國外市場。薄利多銷是本公司的生產原則。誠信為主,質量第一。還承接來料,來樣加工業務,價格實在,質量第一,交貨及時,歡迎咨詢聯系 Shantou City, Guangdong Province, a new generation of gift stationery, is a gift, handicrafts, jewelry, stationery [handbags] production company, is approved for registration by the relevant departments of the State enterprises. Main shopping bag, wallet, CD bag, pencil case, bags, handbag kit bag shopping bag paper stationery pocketed bag of products. The spirit of "customer first, honesty first" principle and the number of enterprises to establis……電話:86-0754-87798863手機:13719912923傳真:86-0754-87798863Email:[email protected] |  | | |  |  | | Brand gold bats. Disc cd package, workmanship quality, first-class, which leaves a good feeling, though not faith-pass, do not worry, in-kind shooting, please rest assured that the next single, integrity first, the factory production, the price cheap, welcomed the Advisory 牌子 金蝙蝠。光盤cd包,做工質量一流,內葉手感好,不必擔心,實物拍攝,請放心下單,誠信第一,廠傢生產,價格便宜,歡迎咨詢聯系