品牌 | 馬迪 | 材質 | 塑料 | 規格 | 8K |
產品類別 | 寫生用品 | 加印LOGO | 可以 | 加工定製 | 是 |
是否進口 | 否 |
子輿文化有限公司是 集工貿為一體的綜合企業, 下設美術顏料廠、紙品廠、文具廠、塑料廠、教學用品廠和文化用品商場。明華生產基地占地20000㎡,建築麵積達9892㎡,總資產逾3000萬元。公司 生產明華牌、滬廣牌和馬迪牌三大系列產品,有美術顏料,美術紙品,金屬畫架、寫生凳、畫板、畫袋、畫夾、畫筆、畫箱、洗筆筒、工作臺、靜物臺、美術石膏教 具、工具箱、機尺、調色盒、調色盤、吹塑紙、KT板、版畫機、練泥機、泥板機、電窯、雲臺等產品。目前,明華產品已暢銷全國各地,遠銷日本、美國和東南亞 地區。最近我們還加強瞭與英國溫莎牛頓和德國輝柏嘉等跨國知名企業的合作,使得生產與銷售呈現出兩旺的新局麵。
子輿文化用品商場位 於號稱亞洲第一的臨沂新汽車站的南鄰,商場建築麵積2100㎡,分為美術用品區、文房四寶區和辦公用品區,經銷國內外各種品牌的畫材、紙張、文具等文化用 品達5000多種,是眾多院校和教委的定點采購單位。公司以商場為窗口輻射國內外市場,大力開展網路貿易,建立瞭以區域代理商為主、經銷商為輔的銷售模 式,目前銷售網路遍佈全國,並出口美國、日本、東南亞等國傢。
Ziyu Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..
Ziyu Stationery & Painting material Store is divided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.
