品牌 | 益鉑 | 材質 | 不銹鋼 銅 | 規格 | 可按客戶要求 |
適用送禮場合 | 開業典禮,生日,頒獎紀念,婚慶,商務饋贈,廣告促銷,周年慶典,公關策劃,節日,展銷會,喬遷,員工福利 | 加印LOGO | 可以 | 加工定製 | 是 |
是否進口 | 否 |
工廠專業生產徽章、標牌、狗牌、皮帶扣,書簽、開瓶器、鑰匙扣證章、獎章、獎牌、勛章、紀念章、工號牌、迪斯尼徽章、 馬口鐵徽章、吊飾、手鏈、項鏈、手機飾品、鑰匙圈、袖扣、長針、胸針、錢夾、領夾、拆信刀、書簽、高爾夫球叉、球冒、銘板、桃心盒等系列。工藝有:鋅合金壓鑄、銅鐵鋁沖壓工藝,腐蝕(蝕刻,咬板)工藝、平版印刷工藝、、陽極、仿琺瑯工藝、烤漆工藝,滴油抹油工藝,鑲鉆粘鉆工藝,滴膠工藝、馬口鐵等多種工藝、我司產品做工精美、價格實惠、以客戶滿意為準則。如有這方麵的業務請與我詳談、謝謝!
assembling ets.The metal decorations that we produced were not only excellent in quality,but also durable,they were sold abrad over the years as Japan/Europe/America etc.Our high level technician and our innovation ability will help you to build you brand and market competitiveness.based on our service and idesa that had already joint the world,you only need to tell us your brand,idea and the use of your product.We'll do everything followed patiently and considerately till you are satisfied.
r,in accordance with the core values of“Precision Manufacturing & Proactive Development”, specializes in the manufacturbohao metal decoration factory a professional hardware accessories manufacturer,in accordance with the core values of“Precision Manufacturing & Proactive Development”, specializes in the manufacture of qualitybadges, emblems, shoe accessories, wallet accessories, bag buckles & logos, golf series, hang tags, off-set printing, medals, dog tags, key chains, mobile phone accessories, corkscrews, bookmarks, collar bars, ashtrays, money clips, photo frames, etc.
Together with advanced machinery & equipment and modern scientific management methods, in conjunction with a technical professional team that has more than a decade’s experience in the industry.
we have many departments asdesign and r&d / die casting / punching/ polishing/coating/painting/dispensing/etch/QC/
e of qualitybadges, emblems, shoe accessories, wallet accessories, bag buckles & logos, golf series, hang tags, off-set printing, medals, dog tags, key chains, mobile phone accessories, corkscrews, bookmarks, collar bars, ashtrays, money clips, photo frames, etc.
