品牌 | 浙南筆業 | 包裝形式 | OPP袋/PVC袋(盒)/彩盒/吸卡/筒裝/散裝等 | 款式 | 卡通 |
特色 | 環保 | 外殼材質 | 木製 | 型號 | HB |
用途 | 寫字筆 | 貿易屬性 | 促銷 | 鉛芯顏色 | 彩色 |
鉛芯硬度 | HB |
浙江省麗水浙南筆業有限公司是一傢專業從事彩色鉛芯、鉛筆生產和銷售的企業。公司設備先進、技術力量雄厚。產品規格齊全、品種繁多、款式新穎。產品主要有彩芯系列鉛筆、水溶性彩色鉛筆,H、B系列鉛筆、高級HB鉛筆、繪圖鉛筆、碳畫筆、工藝筆等。鉛筆外觀采用油漆、金蔥、植絨、鐳射、滾印、移印、套膜、沾頭等先進工藝。產品質量上乘,價格合理,一直大量出口美國、日本、東南亞、中東、歐盟等國傢和地區,深受廣大客戶的青睞和贊譽Zhejiang Lishui Zhenan Stationery Co.,Ltd products of which have all kinds of specification、size、the quality is superior and the price is favorable.The main products including : color pencil、water color pencil.middle high level pencil HB drawing pencil,craft pencil,and so on it.. The pencils are finely finished with advanced techminques like Foiling Print,Hot change Print,Revolving Print,Laser lmage Printing,Sesled-End,Dipped Top,offer attractive and splendid outlooks.the products are exported overseas ,such as :USA、Japen、Venezuala Middle.The products are of complete variety and specification,superior quality,favourable price.Following our usual principle : Quality is No.1 and customer is the most important . Sincerely welcome business call or visit of the customers from all over the world.
產品符合EN71、ASTM-D4236、T963檢測標準,通過國際綠色森林FSC-SECR-0020、質量體系ISO900:2000和環境體現ISO14001:1998,職工健康安全體現OHSMS18001認證。產品深受國內外客商的信賴和贊譽,我們堅信我們的產品會讓您的生活變的多姿多And the conformity of our products to EN-71,ASTM-D4236&T963 and pass the International Green Forest System FSC-SECR-0200 has made us more competitive to enter European and USA market. On top of that,our possession of the certificats of the Quality System ISO9001:2000 and the Entironment System ISO014001:1996 and the Employee Health System OHSEMEI8001 authentication has made us more reliable to all our clients.And we believe our products will make the life of our clients more colorful!
公司本著以“質量求生存、誠信求發展”為宗旨,為客戶提供優質的產品和良好的服務,竭誠歡迎國內外新老客戶來電來函、洽談業務,真誠合作,共同發展。Following our usual principle : Quality is No.1 and customer is the most important . Sincerely welcome business call or visit of the customers from all over the world
浙江省麗水浙南筆業有限公司 熱誠歡迎各界前來參觀、考察、洽談業務。
李光彬 先生 (業務部業務經理)
地 址: 中國 浙江 麗水市 水閣工業園區龍慶路301號
郵 編: 323000
傳 真: 86 0578 2953718
移動電話: 13957080969
電 話: 86 0578 2695188
