| 我廠成立於1991年是 專業從事眼鏡盒生產的廠傢。產品有包皮鐵盒、塑料盒、EVA包、PU眼鏡袋和各種高、中、低檔眼鏡佈。 我們的目 標是:依托我廠雄厚的技術力量竭盡全力生產出高質量的產品使新老 客戶滿意放心。 我們的宗 旨是:以質量求信譽,以信譽求發展。 歡迎新老 客戶來樣訂做,選樣定購! 新河縣曙光眼鏡盒 廠創建於1991年,位於石傢莊東南 100 公裡 處308國道旁,新河縣前 保開發區。擁有雄厚的技術力量和一批先進的機器設備。是北方最大 的集生產,開發,研製,銷售於一體專業眼鏡盒生產廠傢。 我廠 生產各種高、中、低檔眼鏡盒、眼鏡袋、眼鏡佈及各種禮品包裝盒 , 款式時尚,價格合理,質量上乘,產品遠銷國內外二十餘個國傢和地區, 深受用戶青睞,同時根據客戶要求,定做各類包裝盒,來樣生產,選樣 訂購。 我廠 堅持“以新穎為動力,以品質求發展,以信譽拓市場 ”為經營理念, 願與各界人士建立長期穩定的業務關系。 The Xinhe shuguang spectacle case ?factory founded in 1991, located at Shijiazhuang southeast nearby 100 kilometers place 308 national high ways ,Xinhe town qianbao development zone. Has the abundant technical force and one batch of advanced machinery equipment. Is north the biggest collection production, the development, the research, sells in a body specialized spectacle cases Manufacturer. My factory produces each kind of hard case, PUpouch, cleaning cloth and each kind of gifte packing box, the fashion design, the reasonable price, the excellent quality, the product sells in distant markets the domestic and foreign 20 country and the area, the depth the user favor, the customer order,the sampling order are welcome. My factory insisted that “take novel as the power, strives for the development by the quality, develops the market take the prestige” as the management idea, is willing to establish the long-term stability with the people from all walks of life the business relation. ![](https://cbu01.alicdn.com/img/ibank/2012/410/617/731716014_1284343716.jpg)
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