※產品訂購說明/Ordering instructions※
1、產品可根據客戶需求訂做,可更換材料、顏 色,也可控製成本生產,以達客戶要求。還可根據客戶需求重新設計訂 做。/The products can be customized according to your demand, can change the material, color, can also control the cost of production, to achieve your requirements. Similarly, also can produce the sample you bring
2、如有需要打樣,一般打樣周期為3天左右不 含LOGO,打樣費為300元到500元不等,根據包的難易程度,下單滿500個打樣 費退還。我們也可以根據客戶來圖、來樣打版。/If you need to make a sample, usually takes about 3 days, not including LOGO.According to thebag of varying degrees of difficulty, the sample fee from 200 yuan to 500 yuan. As long as you order more than 500, we will refund the samples fee.
3、打樣添加客戶LOGO時,如LOGO需要開模,五金模一般為800 元一個,膠模一般為100-200元不等,印刷單色可免費,多色印刷如麵積比較 大,印刷網版一般為100-2000元不等。/Productionadd client LOGO, if the LOGO needs to make, a metal mold for 800 yuan, a plastic mould for 100-200 yuan, a color printing is free, multi-color printing or relatively large area, the printing fee for the 100-2000 yuan.
4、電腦包,背 包,旅行包起訂量都為300個每款,其餘如單肩包,掛包,禮品包等的起訂量 為500個,可做兩個顏色。/Each computer package MOQ is 500. Backpack, travel bag, gift bag, MOQ is 1000, can produce two color.
5、產品包裝, 包裝時每個包都有OPP膠袋包裝,入箱數跟實際而定,采用無縫包裝,外箱有 雙重打包帶,在運輸過程中更安全./Product packaging, each bag F placed desiccant, with thickened plastic bags, into the box number with the actual set, adopts the seamless packaging, carton with double straps, more safety during transport.
6、付款方式:下訂單時需預付30%的定金給廠 方,交貨前付清70%的餘款給廠方後發貨。/Methodof payment: pay 30% deposit, balance paid before deliver。
7、售後服務:消費者在使用過程中,如有是質 量問題是工廠所導致的,可返回工廠免費進行維修。如有使用問題,可隨時 向廠方咨詢正確的使用方法。/After-sale service:In the use process, if there are any quality problems caused by thefactory, can repair free of charge
