1. 我們生產的產品,已經取得 中華人民共和國醫療器械註冊證號
2. 魯濟食藥監械(準)字2010第1270013號
海關產品編號: 火罐 HT-0811171我們負責發運到港,不負責進倉,報關.可以協助尋求國際物流貨代發運辦理.出口通道是,青島-黃島港.
B. 拔火罐--是中華古老傳統中醫療法。有悠久的歷史,成熟的中華傳統醫術。凹底型《五行能量瓷罐》的研制成功,是傳統醫學與現代科技相結合的結晶,它為臨床提供瞭新的治療手段.金京-五行能量瓷罐與眾不同之處是:傳統的無色玻璃火罐,彩色玻璃火罐,陶土火罐等產品,功能單一,隻是有負壓作用.制作簡單,質量粗糙.不適合白領以及減肥,養生美容高超工藝使用.
C,生產工藝:五行能量瓷罐,是現代科技和傳統嚴謹工藝的結晶。原料精選優質陶瓷原料,磨具註漿成型後,經1200度中溫燒制,因此具有較高的強度和穩定性。外表裡外上釉.再經1300溫度燒制,因此更加潔白如玉,晶瑩剔透。logo采用知名花紙,純手工貼成。或者使用絲網印制.再850度溫度烘烤而成。使其顏色艷麗,永不褪色。圖案或logo可由客人提供.2.五行顏色是針對五行論之--金木水火土理論對應的五種顏色,添加原生態的電氣石粉或者負離子粉,得到瞭原生態的,多功能的五行能量瓷罐. 同樣的原料不同的配方,同樣的原料不同的產地和不同的相關指標含量,都會影響產品品質和生產成本。但如果過於追求低成本.但同樣的兩隻陶瓷拔火罐,遭受同樣外擊力,一個破碎,另一個完好,這便是品質體現的一個方面。由於我們習慣於視陶瓷制品為易碎品,而把它的破損全都歸咎於包裝、運輸、裝卸等,其實這是不對的,至少是不全面的。我們應該知道,原料中某些影響陶瓷硬度、機械強度的成分不夠,更是導致產品易碎的主要原因,該原因的形成有兩個主要因素,一是廠傢追求低成本,二是商傢要求低價位。由於凹底型,五行能量瓷罐產品生產工藝復雜,得到的五行能量瓷罐,成本高,請理解單價.
D,五行能量瓷罐類別:2.1.五行能量瓷罐,原生態五個顏色,5個規格型號.亮光油.應用到減肥,養生的定罐使用.2.2..亞光釉,黑色, 2.3.亞光釉白色.2.4.素燒磨砂罐DEN應用到.為搖罐和拉罐.走罐,閃罐,灸罐使用.
重建的分子結構與天然健康的泉水相似。人體就象水果與蔬菜一樣,會逐漸失去它原本的納米分子結構,老化也會導致細胞吸收液體的能力降低。然而,能量瓷能夠提供能量體,讓細胞重新獲得水分。能量瓷不含磁場、電力與輻射,更無需維修,它所釋放的標量頻率能量包括重要的 k40 共振 。
我們承接貼牌定制.批發采購.出口發運.QQ282369874,1287518939 電話:053166620086
中 國 濟 南 康 利 達China in jinan city KangLi of fitness products center
5#/外口直徑/88MM*高度105*肚大100 48個/箱
4#/外口直徑/78MM*高度95*肚大95 48個/箱
3#/外口直徑/70MM*高度85*肚大88 72個/箱
2#外口直徑/50MM*高度70*肚大60 96個/箱
1#外口直徑/40MM*高度60*肚大58 120個/箱
People's attention.
1. We produce products, has made the People's Republic of medical device registration number
2. LuJi food also gave (quasi) word 2010 no. 1270013
3. The enterprise standard: LuJi YZB / 0013-2010.
4. The first kind of medical device manufacturing enterprise registration number: 20100080 to food
The customs product Numbers: cupping HT - 0811171 we will be responsible for shipment to the port, not responsible for warehouse entry and customs declaration. Can help seeking international logistics freight for shipment. Export channel, Qingdao - new port.
A. invention reason:
According to the traditional cupping function single faults, through changing the traditional clay fire pot preparation methods, (ceramic production technology is different, different formula, the product has different.) we use pure white porcelain material, the high temperature burn. Add electrical powder - negative ions powder.. Get a kind of release negative ions launch far infrared ray function of the fifth generation "energy porcelain" fire pot. Its feature lies in its ability to change tank medium, permanent release beneficial to human body air anion emission far infrared ray, and has a unique concave (drop shape) shape, improve the traditional cupping the function and effect.
B. cupping - is the ancient traditional Chinese medicine therapy. Has a long history, the mature of Chinese traditional medical skill. Concave base type "five lines of energy porcelain jar" successfully developed, traditional medicine and modern science and technology is the combination of crystallization, it provide a new clinical treatments.
Special features: concave primer therapy is based on the principle of negative pressure can pull, blood capillary dilate, again in drawing tank on the ignition, plays the role of suction drawing burning fat. The effect reducing weight good. Have a cup, and the role of heavy curative effect.
C, the production process: five lines of energy porcelain jar, is the modern technology and traditional rigorous process of crystallization. Raw materials selected high quality ceramic raw materials, grinding tool injection molding, the 1200 degrees temperature firing, therefore has higher strength and stability. Appearance inside glaze. Then through 1300 temperature firing, and thus more white like jade, glittering and translucent get rid of. The famous logo paper, pure hand stick into. Or use screened. And 850 degrees temperature baking forming. The color is gorgeous, never fade. Design or logo can be provided by the guests. 2. Five lines of color is according to the five elements theory, JinMu water fire and earth theory corresponding five kinds of color, add original electrical powder or negative ions powder, obtained the original, multi-function five lines of energy porcelain jar. The same raw material different formula, the same raw materials of different origin and different related index content, will affect the product quality and production cost. But if too the pursuit of low cost. But the same two ceramic cupping, suffered from the same strike force, a broken, another in good condition, this is one aspect of quality shows. Because we are used to depending on the ceramic products for fragile, and its damage to all packing, transportation, loading and unloading, actually this is incorrect, at least, is not comprehensive. We should know that some raw materials influence the ceramic hardness, mechanical strength of the component is not enough, but also lead to products fragile main reason, this causes the formation of two major factors, one is the manufacturer the pursuit of low cost, 2 it is business requirements low price. Because concave base type, five lines of energy porcelain jar product production process complicated, get five lines of energy porcelain jar, the cost is high, please understand the unit price.
D, five lines of energy porcelain jar categories: 2.1. Five lines of energy porcelain jar, the original five color, five specifications. Light oil. Applied to reduce weight, health's set can use. 2.2.. Matt glaze, black, 2.3. Matt glaze white. 2.4. Biscuit firing grinding sand tank DEN applied to. The wave tank and pull tank. Go tank, flash tank, moxibustion can use.
E. Production process:
Energy porcelain, which is in the production of ceramic, add anion powder, so as to get their inner radioactive function. This technology is through the several kinds of high temperature fusion methods, based on the specific proportion will be negative ions powder fuses in together, let their molecules to form new connections between.
The combination of these minerals, plus the fusion technology, let mineral energy transformation, development for a lasting natural scalar resonance, and can transfer to any liquid, reconstruction of natural nanometer molecular structure.
Reconstruction of molecular structure and natural healthy spring similar. The human body is like fruit and vegetables, will gradually lose its original nanometer molecular structure, aging can also lead to cell absorption liquid capacity reduction. However, energy porcelain can provide energy body that allows cells to get water. Energy porcelain does not contain the magnetic field, electric power and radiation, more need not maintain, its release of scalar frequency energy including important k40 resonance.
F. authority appraisal report, large company OEM customization, hairdressing, reduce weight, health school acceptance, consumer widespread repercussions degree objective evidence, concave bottom type five lines of energy porcelain jar successful listing, obtained the approval.
We accept OEM custom. Wholesale purchasing. Export shipment.
