技術指標:1、供單人使用,總重1.3KG,可手持測量或置於三角架上(選件) 2、內置可充電電池,可連續使用8小時 3、內置俯仰角感測器,俯仰角自動補正,水平角手動輸入 4、結構具防水(雨淋)功能 5、測量范圍:0.3~9.1M/S 6、測量精度:5% of reading 7、使用溫度:-30~+70℃ 8、電波發射角:12° 9、電波發射標準功率:10Mw 10、電波頻率:24GHz
適用范圍: 主要用於野外巡測和洪水、潰壩、決口、截流、污水等應急測量,尤其適用於汛期搶測洪峰和突發情況下監測污染水。
Accurate Water Speed Measurement Designed specifically to measure streams and rivers, the SVR gives you precise speed measurem ent from a stationary position outside the body of water. The SVR is perfect tool for flood and waste water management applications. The SVR is extremely valuable for measuring water surface velocity during high‐velocity flows a nd flood conditions wher using contact measurement instruments poses a risk to safety. Features ? Allows scientists to determine the surface velocity of water ? Includes cosine error correction, allowing the unit to compensate for vertical angles ? Wide velocity flow range (0.3 – 9.1 m/s) ? Replaceable AA rechargeable batteries ? Accepts tripod mounting ? User friendly measurement and reading ? Simple, more usable 5 digit display ? Data port for computer & data logger connection. ? Compatible with DLPU (Data logger Power Unit). System provides long operation time for SVR and SD‐card based data logging with automatic date and time information Optional GPS‐module will provide GPScoordinates for each measurement result.
SPECIFICATIONS Measurement Specifications Minimum Velocity 0.3 fps (0.3 m/s) Maximum Velocity 30 fps (9.1 m/s) Measurement Accuracy 5% of Reading Factory Default Settings Units M/S (meters‐per‐second) Horizontal Cosine 0° Sensitivity 10 Antenna Parameters Type K‐Band, IACP Type III Nominal Transmission Frequency 24.150 Ghz Nominal Horizontal Beam width 12° Polarization Circular Nominal Microwave Power Output 7 mW Maximum Aperture Power Density <1 mW/cm2 Environment Ambient Temperatures ‐22°F to +158°F, ‐30°C to +70°C Maximum Humidity 90% relative humidity at 99°F (37°C) non‐condensing Water resistance meets International Robustness Standard IEC 529:1989 and European Community Standard EN 60529 Voltages Supply Voltage Range 8.5VDC – 16.5VDC Power Supply Frequency replaceable NiMH batteries Low Voltage Threshold 6.1VDC (battery) 8.5VDC (cord) Power Consumption Standby 0.105 amperes Antenna ON no target displayed 0.170 amperes Antenna ON anything displayed 0.172 amperes Antenna OFF segment check "888" 0.116 amperes Antenna ON segment check "888" 0.180 amperes
