東莞市飛達模具廠成立於2005年,專業生產各種成人玩具 模具、公仔模具、油爐模、臘樣手板,生產工藝融入瞭頂尖技 術,在模具領域一直處於領先地位,可以為客戶提供優質的產 品和服務,工廠本著與時俱進,和諧發展的理念,堅持務實創 新,開拓進取的精神,不斷發展壯大。 飛達在未來成長過程中,真誠的希望有您的支持,我們一 定做好您最忠誠、最滿意的合作夥伴,在未來合作中請給我們 關註和指導,我們將一如既往用心向您提供優質產品與服務。
Dongguan Feida Mould Factory, established in 2005, specializes in producing various kinds of adult toy mould, doll mould, oil stove mould and waxy prototype. With top technology in the production process, our factory always takes the lead in the mould field and can provide high-quality products and services to customers. In the concept of keeping pace with the times and developing harmoniously, as well as the pragmatic, innovative and pioneering spirit, the factory will keep developing and growing. Feida sincerely hopes to get your supports in future growth. We must become your most loyal and most satisfying partners, and we will diligently, as always, provide you with high-quality products and services under your attention and guidance.
本廠專業生產各種成人玩具模具,公仔搪膠模具, 油爐模,臘樣手板,歡迎來電洽談。
網址:https://[email protected]
聯系人:賀先生 手機:13929411168 QQ:3094170886
彭小姐 手機:13925868948 QQ:1790639976
產品尺寸:154mm*81mm (常規尺寸)
