LX816捆線收線機 LX803 Ingot chain embroidery machine
把拉線機加工後凌亂的線整齊的收攏在線輪上,方便後續的扣鏈等其他加工,而且經過收攏的線,在後續 扣鏈等加工中,不容易出現斷線、卡線等現象。
Collecting and Closing up those disorder threads processed from thread drawing machine onto thread wheel tidily, to facilitate
subsequent buckle chain and other processing, and the drawn thread won’t prone to break or thread jamming on the successive bitch
chain etc processing.
技術參數 Technical Parameters:
電壓 voltager :220v
電機功率 Total Power : 40W
轉速 Spindle speed : 調速
加工效率 Process Efficiencyd : 自動排線
機械外觀尺寸 Appearance Size : 530×400×660mm
機械毛重 Gross Weight : 35kg
