【顏色】:默認白色, 可指定其他顏色
【功能】:烤杯 烤盤 烤帽 燙畫
熱轉印多功能轉印機製作(必須配置) | |
1 | 熱轉印多功能轉印機一臺,包括烤杯、烤盤、烤帽、燙畫 |
2 | 電腦一臺、不論配置。 |
3 | 掃描機或數位相機一臺(如圖片在電腦上,就不用這些設備)。 |
4 | 彩色噴墨打印機一臺(Epson),用於打印圖片。 |
5 | 連續供墨系統一套,(改裝打印機和裝轉印墨水) |
6 | 熱轉印專用墨水一套(一般普通墨水不能用轉印) |
7 | 熱轉印紙張(紙張分為幾種,印什麼材料用什麼紙張),一般 紙張不能轉印。 |
8 | 相關耗材,註:一般市場上杯子不能轉印(佈類除外),要經 過特殊處理才可以 |
先通過電腦將電腦上的圖片用Photoshop軟件設置好圖像的尺寸(如是相片,就先用掃描機掃描到電腦上,反正要做的圖像必須顯示在電腦上才可以)、再通過打印機打印在相應紙張上,剪下打印好的圖片,再將圖片緊貼在需轉印的物體表麵表麵並固定、放入相應的機器裡夾緊、打開機器電源,設置好機器溫度和時間即可(機器溫度和時間設置請參考機器說明書,註:製作不同產品,時間設置不同),10秒-6分鐘左右時間就可以印製出自己或客戶想要的產品。詳情更多可旺我或電話直接聯系 15005895322 0579-85225828
調節壓力螺母, 新款上市,
烤杯配件, 自己帶11oz , 如果需要烤製其他杯形, 比如 骨瓷變色杯, 運動水壺, 需要更換 10oz 杯墊
跟換錐形 則需要跟換 錐形烤杯墊
變色杯、塗層盤、帽子、t恤、鼠標墊、抱枕、金屬板、拼圖、鑰匙扣、化妝鏡、石版畫、 等等產品 一網打盡 。
整機保修一年,發熱件保修3個月, 終身維護, 買傢承擔來回運費哦,
溫度范圍:0-380℃ 時間范圍:0-999 Sec. 印製尺寸 :杯子 7.5~9cm 盤子 11cm 15cm 平麵 3038cm 采用微處理器程序控製,參數記憶,控製精度更高,觸摸控製麵板,國內獨有。 先進的設計利念,獨立控製單元結構,便於機器組合升級及售後服務。 可升降360度旋轉,便於取物及一定厚度的異形物品之印像。 更換不同功能之印像部件快速便捷,不需工具,幾秒鐘就可搞定 關鍵部件 采用進口原料,使用性能更加穩定,經久耐用。 整機外觀設計美觀豪華,占地不到一平方米,有利門市及櫃臺操作。 由於設備製造精良,製作的影像產品更加出色。 一機多能,徹底改變瞭傳統低端組合印像設備粗製爛造所產生的印像不精確、機器返修率高、占地麵積大、受印製產品的局限等諸多弊端。目前,多功能數位印像機具備多種功能產品製作,根據市場需要無限升級。 可完成佈藝印像、T恤印像、數位瓷像、金屬印像、個性飾品印像、時尚禮品印像、個性人像烤杯、幻影杯、異型瓷盤印像、結婚紀念牌、寶寶出生牌、授權牌、獎牌……等上百種數位影像產品。 多功能數位印像機加電腦、掃描機、打印機就可開一傢完美數位印像坊,可租門市經營,也可商場櫃臺營業,無論采取哪種經營方式,年利非常可觀。
量大客戶 可貼牌生產,
5 in 1 combo transfer machine(CE-Approved)
Detailed Product Description
5 in 1 combo sublimation transfer machine
1.The Digital Combo is a multipurpose heat press.It is fully digital heat press boasts all of the digital features of the state-of-the-art control system.
2.This includes Digital Temperature, Time, and a Digital Pressure/ Height gauge, as well as programmable presets, user definable alarms and a host of other digital features.
3.The construction is a solid steel welded framework, However, the popular success of the Digital Combo lies in its instantly interchangeable system of heat platens and tables.
4.The Digital Combo utilizes quick-change attachments for heat transferring images onto a surprisingly wide variety of materials.
5.This one press has every attachment necessary to professionally imprint:T-shirts, Ceramic Plates, Ceramic Tiles, Mugs, Mouse Pads, metal plates, Jigsaw Puzzles.Fabrics & Materials, etc.
6.The interchangeability of the Digital Combo is performed quickly and safely.If your product offering is going to reach beyond just flat & fabric items, the Digital Combo is the superior heat press machinery solution.
7.The mug attachment for the Digital Combo allows the imprinting of mugs 1 side at a time.With dye sublimation transfers, full wrap images can be perfectly applied in multiple pressings.
8.The plate die platens feature quickly inter-changeable components for allowing the circular heating element to press inside ceramic plates.Also included is a template tray and pad for centering the plate.
9.Due to its swing-away design and wide adjustment range, The Digital Combo excels at handling extremely thick items such as plaques, tile, woods, plastics, and other imprintable items that can not be pressed in conventional T-Shirt presses.
Lifetime warranty on heat platen
2-year warranty on control
1 year warranty on entire press
Temperature Range:0~399
Time Range:0~99sec
Packing Size:74*44*39cm
Pressing Size:
Diameter 7.5~9cm or 5~7.5 for Mug
Diameter 11cm or 15cm for Plate
Diameter 3038cm for Flat
Diameter 14X8.5cm for Hat
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