| 中山市今馳照明有限公司是一傢專業生產T4,T5,T8,T8轉T5支架系列,電子鎮流器,變壓器和節能燈杯的實體企業。目前公司旗下有天籟,偉華極光,今馳三大照明品牌。我們一直在全力進行照明的研究,開發和生產,抓住一切潛在的市場,以完善的產品推廣渠道,有競爭力的價格,以及卓越品質來滿足廣大客戶的需求,依靠本身的技術和規模優勢,越來越多地贏得瞭廣大客戶的支持和信賴。 企業擁有一批專業的電光源工程技術人員,一直以來,我們用心追蹤國際電光源發展潮流,致力於開發綠色環保節能光源,公司把產品質量放在第一位,以"隻求更好"的質量理念,致力於用心做的更好! 目前,本公司已建立龐大的銷售網路,產品暢銷全國各地,南美洲等東南亞等國傢和地區,廣泛受到國內外客戶及用戶的青睞。本公司將一如既往的以其出色的產品性能,合理的價格定位,良好的銷售服務以及強有力的貨源,力爭在信息化,開發化和國際化的時代潮流中不斷推陳出新,迎接新世紀盎然的生機和無限的商機,並綻放出耀眼,燦爛的光芒。 Zngshan Jinchi Lighting Appliance CO.,Ltd ,specialized in T4/T5/T8/T8 transfer to T5 lighting fixture Series, electronic ballasts and transformers and energy-saving lamps cup corporate entities。 The company owns “Klion”,“WH-JiGuang”,“JinChi” three brands,We fully carried out kinds of lights in the research,development and production,so as to the potential market,improved product promotion channels,competitive of the price,and excellent quality to meet with customer needs,Has won more and more customers support。We have a team of green electricity sourcemthe company will yield quality frist,"do better," the quality of ideas,relying on its own technical advantage and scale advantages to intentions do better. At present,the company has already built up a large distribution network,the products sell well in south America,Southeast Asia and other countries and regions,extensive by domestic and foreign traders and user of all ages.the company will ,with its excellent product characteristics can,good service and strong customer service guarantee supply ideas,and strive to information,and open and international.In the trend of the times continued to emerge of the new century full of vigor and unlimited business opportunities,and the blooming azzling,brilliant shine! 
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