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Factory foreign trade products, quality assurance, please rest assured purchase!Made to order!Wholesal
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請聯系我! 謝謝!
Please contact me!Thank you very much!
QQ: 331400030
TEL: 0769-83003486 / 18676937095
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適用機型 : iphone6plus
Applicable models: iphone6plus
產品類型 : 蘋果6、6PLUS
Product type:
產品風格 : 時尚、簡潔、商務
Product style: fashion, concise, and business
產品材料 : 進口優質荔枝紋PU+超纖料
Product material: imported high quality litchi grain PU + microfiber material
產品工藝 : 針車縫製,熱壓成型(熱定型)
Product process: sewing needle car, hot press molding (heat styling)
顏色選擇 : 黑色 白色 紅色 藍色 棕色 粉色 紫色 自己訂顏色
Color choices: black, white, red , Custom color
(all tablet holster only tablet with automatic dormancy sensors, add a holster cover all dormancy function)
產 品 特 點
Product features
All holster use true machine size to open mold, machine to test the product.Factory fully guarantee any buttons are not affected. With perfect laminating machines, considerate protection.
Or flip up and down around design, tablet holster with stents stand function,
The imported PU fabric, leather face soft and smooth texture.Lining with wear-resisting, cold resistant, laceration resistant microfiber material, durable!
Compact and easy, fashionable and beautiful ! Elaborate, multicolor choice.
High quality leather wrapped in a perfect love for you, the omni-directional protect the machine from the intrusion of dust, oil pollution
Comfortable non-slip, holster, set aside the machine interface, machine also can normal operation, convenient and practical.
Microfiber render inside, holster, soft and comfortable, not easy sticky ash, easy to clean, bring your love machine safety personal care .